译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8《A green world》Welcome to the unit教案.docx

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8B Unit 8 A green worldWelcome to the unitTeaching aimsBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to 1. use the useful phrases and sentence about ways to live a green life2. discuss their own actions to go green on World Environment Day3. understand the importance of living a green lifeKey points and difficulties1. Grasp words and expressions in a conversation about how to go green.2. Learn to talk about how to go green in context.Preview work1. On E website, students previewed new words and read the dialogues on page 106 and 107. They also shared their ideas about how to go green.Teaching proceduresStep1 Lead-in1. Free talk and check out homework.利用易加口语平台检查生词朗读情况,并进行点评。1)T Which would you like to live in, a grey world or a green world WhyInvite some students to share their ideas.2)T What is a green world like【设计意图】课前学生通过易加口语平台预习本课时的7个生词,掌握其发音和意思。在学生们完成预习作业之后,平台数据分析显示serious和reduce这两个词部分学生发音不准,因此在课堂上进行纠音。接着通过两幅图对比,引导学生说出住在a green world的原因,激活语言图式。Step2 Presentation1. Do the crossword and get to know the key words for a green life.【设计意图】通过猜字谜这一富有趣味性的活动引导学生得出 reduce, recycle,以及reuse这3个和a green life有关的关键词,帮助学生初步理解what is a green life。2. Learn about ways to live a green life1 T In Class 1, Grade 8 Mr. Wu is also discussing ways to live a green life. Lets listen to their ideas. Please take notes while listening.Check answers with students.2 T well, you have read this dialogue before the class, but some words are a little difficult. Lets have a check.Students read the difficult words after the recording. Then students read the dialogue in roles.3 T Kitty and her classmates also some pictures about ways to live a green life. Can you match the pictures with the correct pictures.【设计意图】通过听和匹配获取更多有关How to live a green life 的方式,并根据易加口语平台数据分析的学生朗读情况进行朗读纠音。在此之后再让学生分角色朗读,这有助于学生使用正确的语言、语调来朗读课文。3. Learn and act out the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.1)TEddie and Hobo also want to do something to protect the environment. Look at the picture. Hobo is holding a shovel. We usually use a shovel to dig something. What are they going to do Ive chosen two students who read best in our class to read the comic strips for you. Please enjoy their reading and answer the question.Students listen and answer the question.2)T Eddie has different body languages while talking with Hobo. Sometimes he does like this. Sometimes he does like that. Watch the video and feel his body languages.Students watch the video and then match Eddies lines with his body languages.3 T Its show time. Please act out the dialogue and here are some tips for you.Students say the tips with the teacher. Tips speak fluently, act with body languages and add a new endingStudents act out the dialogue.【设计意图】利用易加口语平台,欣赏班上读地最好的一位男生和一位女生的朗读串烧。这一方面对学生的朗读做了正面的示范和引导,另一方面又可以激励其他学生为之努力,同时,学生通过听对话录音又能回答问题。在对话表演之前先让学生仔细观察视频中的Eddie的肢体语言以及说话的神情,在学生匹配时引导学生运用肢体语言有感情地读出Eddie的台词,这为接下来的对话表演有支架作用。同时,这样的角色扮演可以培养学生的场景理解能力和口头表达能力。4. Find out the secret picture by answering different questions.T Now, lets play a game. Here are some colorful squares and there is a secret picture behind them. You can choose one square and answer the question. Then, you can see part of the picture. Students choose squares and answer questions.Here are the six questions. Eddie is _______ 挖 in his garden now.He dreams that a gold cup will be ___ 挖 out someday. We should collect empty bottles because they can be sent to factories for r_______. Listen and fill in the blanks. Now, Kate takes a minibus to go to school every day, because it _____ ____ air pollution. Watch and answer What did the girl do when brushing her teeth Do you do the same thing What do they mean Are you seriousMore and more families own cars and this causes serious air pollution. Do you think so To reduce the greenhouse gases, like CO2, we can use one side of the paper and reuse old books.【设计意图】在这个游戏中,学生通过回答问题才能看到那张神秘的图,这激发了学生的探知欲。同时,通过听、看图填空、看视频回答问题、选择等多样化的训练形式让学生操练本课时的重点知识,这也是为了铺垫后面的交际环节而作的训练,用以培养学生口语表达能力。5. Have a small talk with the goodwill ambassador of the World Environment Program.The secret picture is Wang Junkai.T Wang Junkai is popular among young people. He has been chosen as the goodwill ambassador of the World Environment Program. He has done lots of things to call on people to protect the environment. Today, he wants to have a small talk with you about ways to live a green life. Before our lesson, we have done a survey about it. Lets have a check.Share some of the students homework about ways to live a green life.T Please work in pairs, one is Wang Junkai and the other is you. Have a small talk about ways to live a green life. here are some useful expressions to help you.【设计意图】前一个环节的神秘图片是王俊凯被授予联合国环保署亲善大使时的照片。王俊凯在学生群体中很受欢迎,由此创设情境,让学生和王俊凯一起讨论有关环保生活的方式。课前学生对这个话题有过自己的思考,因而在对话前,利用易加口语平台展示部分图文作业,增加了语言材料的输入。这样的模拟交际是根据学生的生理、心理特点所设计的,更有助于激发学生的思维。通过这样的方式,学生能逐步理解、体验语言在模拟场景中的使用,从而培养口语交际能力。6. Encourage students to think about the reason for living a green world.T You know a lot about ways to live a green life. Do you know why people try to live a green life.【设计意图】在了解了很多环保的生活方式之后,启发学生思考环保生活的意义。这可以训练学生的思维品质,有助于学生发展自己的思维能力。7. Make a pledge and challenge others to take action.T In this month, June 5 is a special day. Do you know whyS1 Its the World Environment Day.T On that day, people organize many activities to protect the environment. This year, China is the host. And the theme is BeatAirPollution. On the UN website, here is an activity for you challenge. Would you like to take part in itSs Yes. T First, you need to make a pledge. Then, challenge others to take action. Here is my challenge.Share the teachers challenge with students and explain the reason, action and friends to students.T Now, its your turn. Please make your challenge and then share it your group members. Students work in groups and share their ideas, and then choose the best one to share with the whole class.【设计意图】向学生联合国世界环境署为世界环境日安排的活动,激发学生的参与热情。以教师本人的示范为例,在这真实的情境中引导学生自发地写下自己的环保诺言,增强环保意识并付诸行动。Step 3 ConclusionSummarize what is a green world.T If we work together, we can build a green world someday. In a green world, there are rich natural resources. People not only live a green life, but also use new types of energy. So it is important to keep a balance between _______ and ________. e.g. cities and forests,development and environment【设计意图】启发学生根据图片回顾a green world的内涵,首尾呼应,使学生在情感上产生共鸣,进而总结出类似于在经济发展和环境保护之间达到平衡的想法。Step 4 HomeworkTake a photo or video of yourself fulfilling your pledge and post it on social media.【设计意图】学生通过本课时学习对于环保生活的内涵、环保生活方式以及环保生活的意义都有了很好的认知,在课后再将所学内容转为实际行动,将学习和生活融为一体,遵循核心素养发展要求,从而体现英语学科的育人价值。