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Find air 找空气【教学目标】1. 通过在不同地点装空气的活动,发现我们周围有一种能将袋子撑得鼓鼓的东西。2. 通过做将袋子里的空气放出来的活动,调动多种感官,感知空气的存在。3. 通过憋气活动,知道人类的生存离不开空气。【教学重点】知道我们的周围有空气。【教学难点】运用多种方法、调动多种感觉器官,感知空气的存在。【教学准备】教师材料PPT、相关视频。学生材料塑料袋;安全图钉、水槽、抹布;口哨塑料袋组合。【教学时间】1课时【教学过程设计】Step 1游戏热身与问题导入1. TIll teach you Science in English.Is it fun2. SYes.3. TOK,lets play a game before class startsThe games name is “I say,you say”.Are you ready4. SReady go.5. 师生拍手打节奏开始游戏。6. TI say “eyes”.7. SI say “see”.8. TI say “see”.9. SI say “bubbles”.10. TI say “face”.11. SI say “feel”.12. TI say “feel”.13. SI say “air”.14. TI say “ears”.15. SI say “hear”.16. TI say “hear”.17. SI say “voice”.18. TOK.You did a good job.Next,I have a question.Where is the air19. SIts in the playground/house/classroom......20. TGreatThere is air everywhere.Today,well learn how to find air.It means “找空气”.Step 2 新知学习A.把空气装进袋子里1. T Look,I have a bag.Can you put the air into the bag,and full of it2. S Yes,we can.3. T OK.We know there is air everywhere,so except there,we need go to playground and basketball court to put the air into the bag.Please see the tasks and announcements clearly.4. 学生看屏幕上的操作要求。5. TDo you understand6. S Yes.7. T OK.The group leader distributes the bag to your members.8. 学生分组操作。9. T Did you put the air into the bag10. S Yes.11. T Is it really air in your bag How to prove You can discuss in group.Lets start12. 学生分组讨论证明方法。13. T How to prove Who can try14. S挤压袋子袋子变小了/把袋子对准脸,会感觉到有风/把袋子戳个小洞放水里,水里会有泡泡产生......15. T Your ideas are very goodNext Ill summarize your ways.【设计意图用塑料袋兜空气,意在引导学生发现在我们的周围存在一种看不见、摸不着的东西,它可以将塑料袋撑得鼓鼓的。】B.用多种感官感受空气的存在1.TWe can do like this.(ppt展示操作要求)In pairs,make a hole with nail in the bag,place the hole in the water and loosen it with the other hand.Do you understand2.学生看操作要求3.TIn pairs,make a hole with nail in the bag,place the hole in the water and loosen it with the other hand.Do you understand4.SYes.5.TOK,Ill give you 2 minutes to do this.Lets start.6.学生分组操作,老师作指导。7.TOK,times up.Did you see any bubbles8.SYes.9.TWhy did bubbles 10.S因为袋子里有空气,当把扎洞的袋子放在水里,空气就会跑到水里,然后就会产生气泡。11.TVery goodBubbles in water are ......12.学生一起回答air.13.TGood.Just now we used our face to prove that the air was in the bag.教师边说边展示板书。14.TNext,can you use our face to prove that You can discuss in your group.15.学生讨论。16.THow to prove Who can try17.S我们可以把袋子对准脸放空气,这样我们的脸能感受到风,这就是空气。18.TGreatLet me summarize your ways.Look at the screen.19.学生看屏幕。20.TIn pairs,loosen the mouth of the bag close to the face slowly.Do you understand21.SYes.22.TDo you want to try23.SYes.24.TOK,are you ready25.SReady go.26.学生分组操作。27.T We can feel with our face.How do you feel28.S感觉有风吹过我的脸颊/感觉脸凉凉的......29.TOKWhat brushed your face30.S Its air.31.TYes,the air passed by us and made us feel cool.This is wind.32.TSo we can use this way to prove that air is in your bag.(教师边说边板书)33.TNext,look,I have a treasure.Listen carefully.34.教师播放录音,学生认真听。35.TGuess,what is it36.SIt is whistle.37.TYes,its whistle.Can you blow the whistle Please say what do you think.38.S可以直接用嘴吹。39.YOK,goodExpect this way,do you have another way40.S可以用袋子里的空气使口哨响起来。41.YWow,amazing.Come here and tell us how to do this.42.学生上前边解说边做示范。43.S先把袋子装满空气,然后把口哨放在袋口,一只手抓紧口哨,另外一只手挤压袋子。44.TOh,you did itBig hands for you.45.TBoys and girls,do you want to try46.SYes.47.TOK,please see the announcements on the screen carefully.48.S学生认真看操作要求。49.TYou must work together in your group and use only one bag and one whistle.Then put the whistle in the mouth of the bag.Clench the whistle and loosen the bag slowly in the other.Are you clear50.SYes.51TOK,lets do it.52. 学生动手操作。53. TOK,times up.Did you hear the voice54. SYes.55. TWho blew the whistle56. SIts air.57. TWell doneSo we can use our ears to hear the voice that the air made.(教师边总结边板书)We learned 3 s to prove it is air that we found.Who can summarize them58. 学生总结第一种把袋子扎洞然后放到水里,我们会看到泡泡,说明刚刚我们装的是空气;第二种把袋子靠近脸放开,我们会感受到有风吹拂我们的脸颊,这就是空气;第三种把口哨放进袋口,挤压袋子能发出声音,这是空气的力量。59. TYou are very goodBoys and girls,you did g good job.Big hands for you.【设计意图用不同的方法把袋子里的空气放出来,可以用皮肤感受倒、用耳朵听到、用眼睛看到“空气”。通过多种感官的参与,引导学生更加清晰和全面地感受到空气的存在,并学习一些可以直观感受到空气存在的方法。】C.空气是生命之源1. T Now,lets play a game(憋气游戏).Look at the rules on the screen.2. 学生看游戏规则。3. TAre you clear4. S Yes,were.5. T Ok,stand up,timing begins.6. 学生开始游戏。7. TStop.8. T What do you feel now9. S Uncomfortable.10. T Can we survive without the air11. S No.12. TLets watch a video,then tell me how do you feel.13. S生物离不开空气、我们不能呆在密闭的空间里......14. T Yes,We cant survive without the air.But......(ppt展示大气污染图片)15. 学生认真看图片,教师解说 Air pollution is becoming more and more serious.If we dont stop,well have to breathe like this.Do you want to be like this16. S No17. T So,lets protect the environment together,ok18. S OK19. TLast,finish this homework after class.20. TClass is over.【通过游戏、图片等展示,意在引导孩子们发现我们的生存离不开空气,倡导孩子们保护大家赖以生存的环境。】板书设计- 6 -