外研版四年级下册英语M10 Unit2《Sam had lots of chocolate.》课件(43张ppt湖北市级优课).pptx

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外研版四年级下册英语M10 Unit2《Sam had lots of chocolate.》课件(43张ppt湖北市级优课).pptx_第5页
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,外研社(三年级起点)新标准 小学英语四年级下册,Module 10 Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate.,,Listen and chant,,,We had a picnic yesterday. We played games all the day. And I ate a very big cake. So Ive got a stomach ache.,Listen and Chant,,,,,Listen and Chant.,复述上一单元课文故事,考考你,Revision,,Yesterday Sam and Daming went ,for a bike ride.,Revision,,And then they were ,hungry and thirsty.,Revision,,So,they bought ,a watermelon.,Revision,,And then,Sam carried ,the watermelon on the bike.,Revision,,,,Sam ...,fell off his bike.,Revision,,,Daming ....,bumped his head.,Revision,,Then Sam took _______ and the ___________ to the hospital.,Daming,watertmelon,Revision,,What happened to them,,Whats wrong with Sam,,Listen and say,,chocolate,What did Sam eat yesterday,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday.,had have的过去式) 吃;喝,萨姆昨天吃了许多巧克力。,Today...,stomach ache,So today hes got a stomach ache.,,He has got 患病,所以今天他(患了)胃痛。,,Whats wrong with Daming,,Listen and say,,What did Daming eat yesterday,watermelon,Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,大明昨天吃了两个西瓜。,,Today...,So today hes got a stomach ache.,,He has got 患病),所以今天他(患了)胃痛。,stomach ache,,Whats wrong with Amy,,Listen and say,,,Whats wrong with Amy yesterday,cold,Amy had a cold yesterday.,,患病,艾米昨天感冒了。,,,Today...,headache,And today shes got a headache.,,she has got 患病),今天她(患了)头痛。,,Whats wrong with Lingling,,Listen and say,,,Whats wrong with Lingling yesterday,headache,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,,患病,玲玲昨天患了头痛。,,Today...,fever,And Today shes got a fever.,,she has got 患病),今天她发烧了。,How many “had” can you find in this text,Language point,1、Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday. 2、Daming had two watermelons yesterday. 3、Amy had a cold yesterday. 4、Lingling had a headache yesterday. ,吃了,吃了,患病,患病,,大声跟读课文,注意语音语调。,Listen and say,,准 备,,准 备,,准 备,,准 备,摘苹果,fever,cold,had,stomach ache,headache,chocolate,practice 1,Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday.,Today he has got a stomach ache.,,,practice 2,Daming had two watermelons yesterday.,Today he has got a stomachache.,Amy had a cold yesterday.,Today she has got a headache.,Lingling had a headache yesterday.,Today she has got a fever.,I have got a,I have got a cold.,I have got a headache.,practice 3,What can we learn from this leson,extension,,我们应该养成良好的饮食习惯、多吃蔬菜水果、但是切记不能一次吃太多,Summary,Words stomach ache cold headache fever chocolate sentencesSam had lots of chocolate yesterday. Daming had two watermelons yesterday. Amy had a cold yesterday. Lingling had a headache yesterday. He has got a stomach ache. She has got a headche. She has got a cold. She has got a fever.,homework,1、熟读Listen and say. 2、完成配套练习题,Thank you,