外研版七年级下册英语M5 Unit 2《You can buy everything on the Internet》教案(辽宁部级优课).docx

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外研版七年级下册英语M5 Unit 2《You can buy everything on the Internet》教案(辽宁部级优课).docx_第3页
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Module 5 Shopping Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet 教材分析本模块是教材的第五模块,它以“购物”为话题,该话题与学生们的生活实际息息相关,交际性、应用性比较强。学生们也比较感兴趣。购物这一话题学生们在小学初步接触,有一定基础,该模块在他们有一定认知基础上进一步深入,能吸引学生的求知欲。其中本单元“网上购物”也是当前比较时尚的话题,很大程度上能激发学生的学习兴趣,也开阔了他们的视野。教学目标知识目标能够掌握本单元重要的词汇,短语。技能目标1.能够读懂关于网上购物的文章。2.能够写出关于介绍网络购物以及超市购物利与弊的短文。情感态度培养对网购的正确认识,能一分为二的看待新生事物,能利用其优势,为我们服务,尽可能最大程度的避免其不足给我们带来的不良影响,并能够养成良好的正确购物习惯。文化意识网络诚信的重要性重点难点重点1.能掌握重点词汇和短语。2.能读懂关于网上购物的文章,掌握文章的写作特点,形成一定的阅读策略。难点1.掌握文章的写作特点,学习用first, second,but描述网上购物的利与弊。 2.能够写出关于介绍超市购物利与弊的文章。I Pre-reading prediction1 .Task1 Warming up播放视频Question How are you today The summer holiday is coming soon. Are you happy I like holidays too. But I want to tell you there is one person who likes holidays more than all of us. Esp. Double 11. Can you guess who he is Now lets watch a piece of news from CCTV4. After watching, please tell me why. 播放视频T Who can tell me why Ma Yun likes Double 11TWhat makes him get so much money in one day TOK, today we are going to talk about online shopping. Do you know what online shopping is2. Task2 Q 通过问题提问,了解学生话题所涉及的生活背景进行初步了解和把握;同时,引入文本话题。II. While reading 1. Task1(silent reading)Check the answers to the questions.1. To shop on the Internet ,you only need a computer and a mouse2. Choose sth. Pay for it. Then you receive it a few days later by post.3. You can buy almost everything on the Internet, and its very easy.4. Online shopping is good because it is changing our way of life.(点读笔)设计意图通过快速阅读,验证预测是否正确。通过使用点读笔,加深理解。2. Task2 (silent reading)Figure out the main idea of each paragraph.(group work)T How many paragraphs are there in the passage Can you tell me the main idea of each paragraph Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.设计意图总结段落大意,从整体上把握文章写作思路。3. Task3(pair work Decide these sentences are true or false.pair work设计意图通过快速略读,把握文本基本信息;通过判断对错,检测学生对文本信息的把握情况。4. Task4(silent reading)找出网络购物的优缺点。T Our way of life is changing better or worse How does it change our way of life That is, what are the advantages of shopping online 1. You can shop at any time. The shops are always open.--convenient2. Shopping usually takes a lot of time. Shopping online saves time.To shop on the Internet ,you only need a computer and a mouse--timesaving easy3.You can also compare the prices of the same product and save money.--cheapT Every coin has two sides. Some people like online shopping, but some people do not like it. Why So what are the disadvantages of shopping onlineDisadvantages1. Online shopping is not so interesting as shopping with friends in supermarkets and stores.---less interesting .2. Paying over the Internet isnt always safe. dangerous3. You can not try on the clothes. You do not know if they really fit you or suit you.--can not see the things unreal设计意图通过pair work 让学生找出网络购物的优缺点,进一步获取文本信息,并初步了解文本结构,为下一步分析文章写作框架打基础。5. Task5口头复述网络购物优缺点,使用first,second ,thirdT When we talk about the advantages of online shopping, we use first, second, third. But when we read about the disadvantages, these words are not used. Can you help me to describe the disadvantages by using these transitions 设计意图通过初步口头练习,介入first, second等连接词的使用,通过复述文章,加深对文章中这些连接词的使用特点的进一步理解,并为下一步全文复述奠定基础。6. Task6分析文章结构设计意图分析文章结构,掌握文章写作思路以及结构安排,为作业中的写作任务建构写作框架模板。III Post-reading 1 .Task1 Retellinggroup work设计意图复述课文,再次从整体上理解文章,完成“整体局部整体”的教学流程。Task 2(Debate )T Is online shopping good or bad What do you think Now we are going to have a debate. The whole class will be divided into two groups. Pro side and Con side.Topic Online ShoppingPro side (正方) Online shopping is good.Con side(反方) Online shopping is bad.Note You can add more ideas or reasons to support your opinion besides the ones mentioned in this passage.(除了本课中提到理由,你可以增加想法和理由支持你的观点。)Show time and uateSummary From your hot discussion, I know online shopping is good, because it has a lot of advantages. So you win. But I also know it is bad because it does have many disadvantages. So you also win. Just like what I said just now” Every coin has two sides”. We should make good use of its advantages to serve us and we also need to reduce the influence of its disadvantages. In that way, our life will be more wonderful. Our world will be more beautiful. Also, Honesty is very important no matter in our real life or online. If one day you open a online shop, you can not sell fake products or products of poor quality.设计意图对本课重点进行巩固和延伸,学生可以结合实际,对网络购物的评价提出更多的理由。有课内延伸到课外,把输入转换为输出,教师对辩论进行总结,提出育人价值。引导学生学会一分为二的看待事物,尤其对于 新生事物,既要看到它为我们带来的生活便利,也要看到它的负面和消极影响,我们要充分利用它的优点为社会服务,为人民服务,尽可能减少它的消极影响。另外,我们也要认识到网络诚信的重要性。做到我在网上销售假冒伪劣产品,也不购买假冒伪劣产品。IV. Homework Assignment设计意图牵引本课写作结构,通过本课网络购物优缺点的学习,引发对超市购物优缺点的联想,通过头脑风暴,收集写作要点,为下一节课的写作服务。根据学生的程度差异,分层布置作业,体现因材施教。5