闽教版五年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 5 Months of Year Part B 2(含答案).doc

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闽教版五年级上册英语一课一练-Unit 5 Months of Year Part B 2(含答案).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 Months of YearPart B同步练习一、单词拼写1. 十一月________________2. 十二月________________3. 一月________________4. 二月________________5. 记住________________二、把节日与对应的月份连线New Years Day December来源Zxxk.ComChildrens Day Augustthe Spring Festival January来源Zxxk.ComChristmas Day January or February the Mid-autumn Festival June三、选择不同的一项 1. A. season B. spring C. autumn 2. A. February B. December C. year 3. A. year B. month C. birthday 4. A. swimming B. snow C. skating 5. A. cold B. weather C. warm四、连词成句1. can, we, skating, go .________________________________________________________________2. get, I, many, can, presents .________________________________________________________________3. is, month, favorite, what, your ________________________________________________________________4. is, favorite, April, my, month .________________________________________________________________5. is, remember, that, to, easy .________________________________________________________________五、看图完成句子My birthday is in _______1_________. Its _______2_________.Its warm. we can fly a _______3_________ .We can see _______4_________. 来源学*科*网Z*X*X*KWe can see______5________and beautiful________6________.来源学科网ZXXK答案一、1. November2. December3. January4. February5. remember二、New Years Day DecemberChildrens Day Augustthe Spring Festival JanuaryChristmas Day January or February 来源学科网the Mid-autumn Festival June三、1-5 ACCBB四、1. We can go skating.2. I can get many presents.3. What is your favorite month4. My favorite month is April.5. That is easy to remember.五、April; spring; kite; trees; birds; flowers