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Unit 3 My school calendarPart A Lets learnPEP小学英语五年级下册,,说课内容,一、教材分析,二、学情分析,三、教学方法与教学手段分析,四、教学过程分析,五、教学效果分析,,一、教材分析,(一)本课时的地位及作用 本课时是新版PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar Part A Lets learn部分的教学,教学内容是六个月份的词汇。,,一、教材分析,(二)教学目标 语言能力学生通过在词语与相应日常活动之间建立联系,能够听、说、读、写六个月份单词“January, February, March, April, May, June”能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词;能够根据实际情况判断句子正误并进行相应的修改。 文化意识能了解西方父亲节和母亲节的文化知识。 思维品质培养学生尊重父母,爱戴孝顺的品质和珍惜时间的意识。 学习能力注重小组合作学习,培养学生相互沟通和交流的能力。,,一、教材分析,(三)教学重难点 学习重点 1、能够听、说、读、写六个月份单词“January, February, March, April, May, June”能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词; 2、能够根据实际情况判断句子正误并进行相应的修改。 学习难点 能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词。,二、学情分析,,1、所教班级的学生具有较扎实的词汇和句型学习基础,但阅读文本的能力比较欠缺。 2、英语国家的文化是学生英语学习的内在动 机之一。 3、个别学生英语学习基础较差,可以运用合 作探究的方法来解决。,,三、教学方法及教学手段分析,(一)教学方法 a. 任务型教学法 b. 3P教学法Warming-up, Presentation, Practice, Production, Homework. c. 交际型教学法,,三、教学方法及教学手段分析,(二)教学手段 投影、挂图、教学实物、评价教具等,1. Warming-up Preview,2. Presentation,3. Task-based practice,4. Production,5. Homework,四、教学过程分析,,Free talk,0,Sing a song,0,January,When is New Years Day,Its in January.,0,February,When is winter vacation,Its in January and February.,0,March,When is Tree Planting Day,Its in March.,0,April,When is April Fools Day,Its in April.,May,When is Mothers Day,Its in May.,0,June,When is Childrens Day,Its in June.,0,Listen and read after the tape.,New Years Day winter vacation,winter vacation,Tree Planting Day,English party sports meet,singing contest,school trip,May Day,Mothers Day,Childrens Day,Fathers Day,When is Tree Planting Day,Its in March.,,,,,,,,When is Day,Play a game.,Its in.,winter vacation,Childrens Day,Tree Planting Day,sports meet,May Day,New years Day,Tick or cross. Correct the names of the months when necessary.,1.( )Tree Planting Day is in February.,Read and say,,,2.( )Winter vacation is in February and .,3.( )Mothers Day is in May.,4.( )The sports meet is in April.,5.( )Childrens Day is in .,When is Mothers Day,Its in ,,,March,,,,,,,,January,,,June,March,January,Practice in pairs.,When is ,Its in ,,When is ,Its in ,,When is ,Its in ,I want to know,母爱是一种巨大的火焰。罗曼罗兰,A mothers love is a great flame. Romain Rolland,We must be filial to our parents,我们必须孝顺父母,1. February________ 2. April________ 3. January _______ 4. May_________ 5. June _________ 6. March________,二月,一、译成汉语。,四月,一月,五月,六月,三月, 1. Winter vacation is February. A. at B. in C. on 2. is the first month of a year. A. February B. December C. January 3. is Childrens Day A. When B. What C. Why,二、单项选择。,,,,,,,B,C,A,1. have school trip we a . 2. singing when is the contest 3. March is in it . ,We have a school trip.,三、连词成句。,When is the singing contest,It is in March.,七彩课堂 伴你成长,学习了下列单词 January, February, March, April, May, June. 2.学习了询问节日的句型 When is Its in ,,七彩课堂 伴你成长,Say and do the actions in pairs.,Ask your parents when May Day is.,Make a short dialogue using the sentences we have learnt.,ONE,TWO,授之以鱼,仅供一餐所需; 授之以渔,则终身受用不尽。,THE END,Thanks for listening,