人教PEP版五年级下册英语Unit4 A3 Let's spell 教学课件.pptx

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Unit 4 When is the art show Part A3,人教版(PEP)五年级下册,Warm up,Review,lunch,Do you remember me,chicken,China,teacher,Review,fish,sheep,shorts,shirt,Do you remember me,Lets spell,Lead in,What can you find,A word for a picture,three,birthday,Thursday,thank,Presentation,How to pronounce,//,three,birthday,Thursday,thank,Presentation,th-r-ee, How many kites Three.,three,Presentation,th-i-n, Whats he like He is tall and thin.,thin,Presentation,th-ir-teen, How old are you Im thirteen.,thirteen,13,Presentation,ma-th-s, Who is he Hes my maths teacher.,maths,Presentation,How to pronounce,//,this,that,brother,mother,Presentation,th-i-s,th-a-t,this,that,This is a book.,That is a book, too.,Presentation,mo-th-er,mother and father,mother,Presentation,bro-th-er,My brothers birthday is on June 3rd.,brother,Practice,Practice,句子接龙,要求句子中必须含有 th 的单词哦,My brothers birthday is on March third.,That is my maths teacher.,This is his mother.,,think,thank,these,bath,other,those,father,they,fourth,//,//,Read and choose,thirteen,three,maths,thin,,,,,//,,Lets play,mother,that,brother,this,,,,,//,,Lets play,,Lets chant,My birthday is in three more days. Three more days, three more days. My birthday is in three more days. I will be thirteen. My brother has a birthday, too. A birthday, too, a birthday, too. He has a birthday on the third of the month. What about you,1、合作朗读小诗。 2、小组合作背诵小诗。 3、语音语调正确,有表情动作。,Read in groups,小组内读对话,Listen, circle and say,,,,,,,Choose, write and say,Thursday/ Monday is his eleventh/ third/ fourth birthday. That is her brother/ grandfather/ father. His mother/ brother is a maths/ Chinese teacher. 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________,Thursday is his eleventh birthday.,That is her brother.,His mother is a maths teacher.,Summary,//,three,thin,thirteen,maths,//,this,that,mother,brother,Thanks,所有素材均来自网络,如有侵权,请联系我们删除。,