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Recycle 2 Part A,人教版(PEP)五年级下册,Review,listening to music,yours,fourth,eating lunch,Lets review,Whats missing,mine,first,Ask and answer,January 1st Sarahs birthday,November 4th Johns birthday,April 2nd Cindys birthday,When is ... birthday,Its on ,,,reading a book,watching TV,drawing pictures,,Play a game,,,eating lunch,running,walking,,,,talk quietly,turn left,turn right,,,take turns,take out,take quietly,,,,first,third,one,,,,twenty-third,twenty-three,twenty-first,,,,fourth,four,fifth,,,,thirtieth,twenty,thirty,,,,drinking,walking,playing,,,,sleeping,eating,running,,,,ours,we,us,,Recycle,Lead in,Mikes summer camp,Mike is at summer camp. What will he do,Listen and match,1st,6th,11th,12th,Practice,Listen to dialogue 2 and tick the right picture. What are the children doing,Practice,Listen to dialogues 1 and 4. Choose the right answers.,1. When is the sports day It is in ______. A. June B. July C. August 2. Mikes mum Be a good boy. _________. A. Work quietly B. Keep your room clean C. Talk quietly,C,B,Lead in,There are 12 months in a year.,How many months are there in a year,Read the chant,Thirty days has September, April, June and November; February has twenty-eight alone. All the rest have thirty-one Except in leap year. Thats the time When Februarys days are twenty-nine.,其他的,其余的,闰年,单独,除了,Presentation,Thirty days has September, April, June and November.,Presentation,February has twenty-eight alone.,Presentation,All the rest have thirty-one.,Extension,闰年是为了弥补因人为历法规定造成的年度天数与地球实际公转周期的时间差而设立的,补上时间差的年份为闰年。闰年共有366天(1-12月分别为31天,29天,31天,30天,31天,30天,31天,31天,30天,31天,30天,31天。普通闰年公历年份是4的倍数的,且不是100的倍数,为普通闰年。(如2004年就是闰年)世纪闰年公历年份是整百数的,必须是400的倍数才是世纪闰年(如1900年不是世纪闰年,2000年是世纪闰年)。,,Good to know,月份、天数的记忆方法,口诀法一三五七八十腊 三十一天永不差,四六九冬三十整,惟有二月二十八,闰年还要把一日加;意思就是,一三五七八月十月腊月都是三十一天,除了二月以外,其他月是30天,二月平时28天,闰年29天,腊指十二月,冬指十一月。 手关节记忆法从左到右开始,凸起关节为大月,两个关节之间凹下去为小月,大月31天,小月30天,二月份较为特殊另作计算 示范一月大,二月小,三月大,四月小,五月大,六月小,七月大;八月从头大月,九月小,以此类推。,Write the months in the correct column.,Practice,April June September November,January March May July August October December,February,Listen and fill,Thirty days has _________, _____, June and _________; _________ has twenty-eight alone. __________ have thirty-one Except in _________. Thats the time When _____________________________.,September,April,November,February,All the rest,leap year,Februarys days are twenty-nine,Group work,1、四人一组,大声朗读。 2、声音响亮,语音语调标准,小组比赛。,Show time,Presentation,Group work,A game Animals and dates.,Extension,时间 in, on 的用法,1、 in 用在世纪、年份、月份、春夏秋冬、早上、晚上前面。 例如in May, in the morning, in 2019 2、on 用于星期几、几号等时间前或用于特定的时间点,以及 weekend 前。 例如We have PE class on Monday. 例如on Teachers Day,first second fourth fifth third mine yours theirs hers ours climbing playing jumping drinking twenty-third thirtieth twentieth eating lunch reading a book doing morning rcises ,Summary,Thanks,所有素材均来自网络,如有侵权,请联系我们删除。,