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人教精通版三年级下册英语教案(教师备课,全册共121页)Unit 1 Lets go to school. Lesson 1一、教材内容分析第一单元共六课,本课为第一课时。本课时Just talk通过设置一个真实的场景一新学期开始,Kate和 Gao Wei的一段情景对话,让学生见景生情。感知,模仿,实践。根据情境,自然输入本课重点句型 Nice/Glad to see you again. Lets go to school. 让学生体会运用的乐趣,学会如何用语言进行交际。Just learn为学生提供了教学卡片图片和录音,目的是为了让学生学习两个单词school, classroom二、学生情况分析三年级是小学生学习英语的基础阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。因此,在设计课堂教学活动时一定要根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学情境。课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,鼓励学生开口说英语、特别是给差生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。三、教学目标1指导学生能在真实的情境中理解,会说以下句子Lets go to school. OK. Lets go.并能在现实生活中初步运用这些语言。帮助学生正确认读本课单词classroom, school.2要求学生初步用school, classroom造句,编对话进行操练,并能在实际生活中应用。3通过跟读模仿使学生学会如何打招呼,发指令,培养学生初步运用语言的能力。4通过对话和教学活动,培养学生主动与他人交际的意愿;使他们形成相互了解相互友爱等积极的情感态度和主动的合作意识,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。四、教学重难点教学重点学生能够听说认读句子 Nice / Glad to see you again. Lets go to school. OK. Lets go. 单词classroom, school,并能自主运用到生活中。教学难点1字母l在不同位置的发音2字母组合oo的发音要足够长足够圆。3字母组合ch的发音。五、教学步骤1热身(1)新学期开始,教师用学过的句子Glad to see you. How are you 问候学生。活跃课堂气氛。(2)教师呈现Just talk 的图片,引导学生观察对话发生的情境,时间是早上,地点是上学路上,人物是Kate 和 Gao Wei.(3)设立情境,新学期开始了,同学之间应该怎样问候呢。通过小组讨论,让学生上台表演,调动学生能够的积极性和创造性。设计意图通过自由对话唤起学生原有的知识,为下一步的学习作铺垫。小组讨论使学生更好的理解情境,自主运用知识,提高团队意识和合作能力。T Good morning, boys and girls.Ss Good morning, Miss Yu.T Glad to see you.Ss Glad to see you, too.T OK. You look better after the winter vacation. Look at the picture Kate and Gao Wei are greeting each other.If you met your friends on the way, what would you say Talk about it in groups, then you can give your answer.Ss ... Talking in groupsS1 HelloS2 HiS3 How are you Im fine, thank youT Yes, you all have good memory.设计意图将话题聚焦到新学期开始,师生问候,生生问候。活跃了课堂气氛,将学生的注意力快速集中,为新知识的学习做准备。2呈现课文教学教师PPT出示lesson 1的对话图片(盖住文字部分),让学生观察图片,提问孩子们Kate 和 Gao Wei 可能说些什么T Look at Kate and Gao Wei, they look happy Can you guess what are they talking aboutS1 HelloS2 Glad to see youS3 Good morningT Good thinkingT Lets watch the video and check your answer then answer two questions.播放动画,让学生在看完两遍动画后回答问题 这是在什么时间地点发生的对话T OK You are right. They are greeting each other. Where are Kate and Gao WeiSs They are on their way to school.T Yes, who can tell me when they meet each other They meet in the morning or in the afternoonSs In the morning.T Yes, you understand the dialogue.再次播放动画,让学生模仿跟读。在看动画跟读的过程中,学生猜测句子的意思。让模仿的好的部分学生朗读对话。然后讲授句子。T OK, children. Do you know “lets”S Yes.T Yes, we have learned it. So, who knows how to say “lets go to school” in ChineseSs让我们一起去学校吧。T Pay attention to “school”. “oo” /u/.教师举例帮助学生理解again的意思。如T Lets say it again. Lets do it again.设计意图通过动画的辅助,学生可以直观的理解对话,主动地体会句子涵义,为学习句型做铺垫。问题引领激发学生主动思考,加深对情境的理解。 有利于知识的自主应用单词教学用PPT教授新单词。先教授单词school,然后让学生思考并回答学校里有什么。学生可能会说教室然后教单词classroom。SsWe know Kate and Gao Wei meet on their way to school. Look it is a school. Do you know the Chinese name of schoolSs学校。TLook, this is “school”. “oo” /u/ school.多次练习oo,给学生做口型示范,使学生明白oo发音要饱满。Show different school pictures let them repeat the word, help the students understand school.T出示字母L提问 “l” sounds whatSs/l/T讲授字母l在不同位置的发音。清晰舌边音和含糊舌边音1.清晰的l发音通常在词首,如 let等2.含糊的l发音是在辅音前或词尾,如girl等。PPT出示这些词leg, like, pencil, ball, log让学生理解练习。Ss listen and repeat school.T Whats in our schoolSs Teacher, students, deskT Yes, teachers, students and classrooms. Look, this is “classroom”. Do you know “l” sounds what Pay attention to /r/.讲授字母r在单词中不同位置的发音给出相关单词练习, arm, red, green, ruler, orange, bread, ear.Ss listen and repeat classroom.设计意图在句子中学习词汇,有助于加深学生对词语的理解。使词汇学习更加自然。3呈现与操练(1)Role play in pairs.同桌分别扮演Kate, Gao Wei 练习并表演对话,模仿好的同学给予鼓励,并让其带领班级同学朗读对话。T Now please practice the dialogue in pairs and act it out.S1 Hello, Kate Nice to see you again.S2 Hi, Gao Wei. Glad to see you again.S1 Lets go to school.S2 OK. Lets go(2)教师教授Lets sing. 先播放动画让学生跟唱,然后只播放伴奏,学生尝试自己唱。并让会唱的同学上台表演。设计意图三年级的学生喜欢歌曲,乐于表现。歌曲学习能吸引学生的注意力。多种形式的练习可以满足不同学习特点的学生的需要。创设新的情境。PPT出示Dora的图片。新学期开学的第一天,Dora非常开心,原来是她上学路上遇到同学Kate,她会怎么跟Kate打招呼选出你的答案。PPT出示未完成的对话,让学生补充。T Look, who is sheS DoraT Dora feels happy today, because she meets her friend Kate. What will she say Choose the right sentences to finish this dialogue.Kate Hello, Dora Nice to see you againDora ___________________________________.Kate Lets go to school.Dora _____________________________.A How are youB Goodbye.C OK. Lets go.D Glad to see you again小组比赛,看哪个组能回忆更多学过的Lets开头的句子。以星星计数,看哪一组胜出。Lets say Hello/ Goodbye/Good morning/Good night/Good afternoon.Lets color it.Lets play.Lets bounce the ball.Lets stand up.Lets sit down.T lets see which group is the winner. Group3, congratulations设计意图有助于学生知识图式的构建,丰富知识结构。小组比赛更能激发学习兴趣。小结评价T Great. Today is the first day of this term. If you met your classmates at school or in the classroom this morning, what would you say Make your own dialogue in group.学生讨论过后,班级展示。S1 Hello, Kate Nice to see you again.S2 Hi, Gao Wei. Glad to see you again.S1 How are youS2 Fine, thank you. And youS1 Im fine, too. Lets go to school.S2 OK. Lets goT So, this is group1s dialogue. Good job作业通过classroom你还能联想到哪一些单词比如教室的摆设,教室里的学生。把你想到的单词做成一个单词银行。看哪个同学找到的相关单词最多。六、板书设计school Nice to see you again.classroom Glad to see you again.Lets go to school.OK. Lets go 课题Lesson 2课型新授授课人课时1课时备课时间授课时间教学目标知识与技能1.能够在真实的环境中表达自己有的东西,理解、会说I have a new... Me too.2.能够听、说、认、读有关学习用品的单词textbook, storybook 3.能够将所学知识融入到生活中。学习表示所属关系的拥有(have)句型和一些物品词汇,并能用所学知识进行交流.过程与方法通过情景教学法使学生理解并会初步运用本课的单词和句子、通过游戏法、合作交流法来巩固本课的单词和句子。情感态度与价值观通过对本节课内容的学习,使学生乐于交流,通过交际表达团结友爱。教学重点1、能够在真实的环境中表达自己有的东西为话题理解、会说I have a newMe too.2、能够听、说、认、读有关学习用品的单词textbook, storybook 3.能够将所学知识融入到生活中。学习表示所属关系的拥有(have)句型和一些物品词汇,并能用所学知识进行交流.教学难点1.语音知识oo读/u/和oo读/u/的区别。2.词汇知识合成词storybook, textbook突破方法给学生创设真实语境、等方法来突破重点,通过同桌、小组合作交流、表演来突破难点。教法与学法愉快教学法、情景教学法、活动学法教学准备单词卡片,学习用品,PPT等教学过程二次备课Step1 Warming-up1. Greetings.T Hello, boys and girls Nice to see you again.“Nice to see you again.” just learned in Lesson OneSs Hello, Miss xxx Glad to see you again.T Today we will learn Lesson Two. Lesson Two. repeatFirst, lets sing a song together, OKSs OK.Sing a song Lets go to school2.复习第一课的单词和对话,学生小组对话练习。设计意图通过PPT演示图片,请学生说单词和句子已达到复习旧知的目的。Step 2 Presentation1. 新学期来了,来吧,向同学们展示一下新学期买的新东西吧Look I have a new 2. Lets guess.猜一猜 You have a new 通过游戏引出新单词3.学习新单词及句型1 textbooka. Teacher lifts a new English book and says I have a new textbook. Then, teacher lifts a new Chinese book and says I have a new textbook. Lift a maths book and say the same sentence. Teacher can ask Can you guess what textbook it is Some students who previews the dialogue will answer it. Teacher repeats the answer教科书. At the same time, teacher lifts a Chinese book, an English book and a maths book separately and repeats “textbook” several times. Students read the word together one by one. In the process of learning, teacher should focus on the pronunciation of “text”.设计意图激发学生兴趣,以学生为主,扩展语言渠道b. Teacher writes “textbook.” on the blackboard with students spelling it with their fingers t-e-x-t-b-o-o-k. Students spell and read it together and one by one.c. Teacher lifts a new textbook and says I have a new textbook. New term begins, students all have new textbooks. Then, students speak out textbook together one by one with holding own textbook. Practice 2-3 groups.2 storybookWhen finished, teacher shows a new storybook and asks Look I have a new storybook, do you have itStudents Yes, I have a new storybook.学生拿着故事书说T Good storybook, storybook in a high voice and in a low voice. Teacher should focus on the pronunciation of story. After several times, teacher can let some students to repeat. Then, contrast between textbook and storybook to help students understanding.Learn storybook in the same way.4.Speak the chanttextbook, textbook, I have a textbook. storybook, storybook, I have a storybook.Step 3. Practice1. Watch the video2. Ss read the dialogue after the teacher one sentence by one.3. Practice and act out the dialogue in pairs.4. Make up a new dialogue.Step 4. Production1.Lets chant.Watch the video of “chant” twice and sing after it.2.Lets play a game .接龙游戏3.Lets do some rcises.设计意图(教师可以向学生提供语言环境,丰富学生语言表达空间)Homework 1. Say the chant for your parents or friends. Must do 2. Make a new chant on your own or with your classmates. Choose do 板书设计 Lesson2 textbook Hi, I have a new textbook. storybook Oh, good Can I see itSure. Here you are课后小记Lesson 3一、教学内容与分析1. Just talk通过两个学生之间的对话,让学生在具体语境中感知、模仿、学习、体验、实践本课语言。要求学生能根据情景进行语言交流,最终能灵活使用本课句型Guess Whats in my bag 及答语Books Yes. Look A Chinese book. And an English book.同时培养学生团结友爱的好品质。 2. Just learn学会两个新词Chinese book, English book教师应注意的难点是来源学。科。网1 英语中可数名词单数前面要用a / an。2 教师可在适当时机复习pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener等第一册学过的学习用品。同时练习名词的单复数,如a pencil, some pencils.3. Lets play用实物组织活动,引导学生反复练习Whats in my bag及答语A Chinese book. And an English book.以达到复习巩固的目的。 二、课前准备1. 准备一本故事书,一本英语书,奖励给课堂表现出色的学生。2. 准备教学图片或实物袋子、铅笔盒、铅笔等,给学生创造真实情景,让学生充分地练习。3. 准备本课教学卡片、音频等。三、教学步骤与建议1. 热身/复习Warm-up/Revision1 请学生用句型I have...互相对话。指导学生使用第一册学过的有关学习用品的单词bag, book, pen, pencil, glue, eraser, ruler, pencil-box等进行操练。2 出示故事书storybook和课本textbook,让学生练习会话。2. 新课导入Presentation1 教师用bag, book, pen, pencil, storybook, textbook等单词与学生一起练习I have句型,然后,拿出书,用I have a...自然引入新单词Chinese book和English book。 2 教师拿出一个大袋子说Look I have a big bag.然后将准备好的铅笔盒、故事书、蜡笔、马克笔等学习用品逐一放进袋子,一边放一边说I have a pencil-box. I have a storybook,然后教师指着袋子问Whats in the bag 教师边拿出实物边说A pencil-box and a storybook / a Chinese book / an English book.并反复练习 Chinese book, English book,注意引导学生正确发音。3 通过实物来复习单词storybook, pencil-box.4 教师询问学生Whats in the bag 让学生回答,然后师生互相问答,如此反复数遍。说 Look Some books. 5 将故事书、英语书的图片贴在黑板上,让学生跟读新单词。然后边传递语文书边熟练说出a Chinese book,接着教师拿出一本英语书,然后说an English book,再拿出几本书放在一起,说Some books.教师指导学生说出book的复数books. 6 出示本课图片,要求学生在所创设的情景中,听录音理解本课对话,跟读、模仿并表演对话。3. 趣味操练Practice1 指导学生与学生之间利用书包、铅笔盒等物品用Guess Whats in...和Look...进行本课句型的问答练习,巩固句型。 2 指导学生利用自己身边的物品编对话,表演对话。4. 课堂评价Assessment教师指导学生完成活动手册内容。1 要求学生听录音,按录音中的出现顺序给图中物品标上数字序号。此活动教师应根据学生完成情况多放几遍录音,或适当使用暂停键,以保证学生能顺利完成。写完数字后,要求学生按顺序说出每个物品的英语单词。2 要求学生先读对话,然后根据对话内容用活动手册书后所附相应贴图贴在合适位置上。3 教师提供参考答案,指导学生给小印章涂色,并进行自我评价。5. 补充活动Additional activities1 用学过的单词反复运用Whats in 句型做替换练习。2 准备一个大盒子,里面装有水果、学习用品等,让学生用手摸,然后用Whats in it 做问答练习。注意物品的单复数。 3 回家用Whats in it 跟爸爸妈妈做猜东西游戏。Lesson Four一、三维目标一)知识与技能目标1. 本课主要语言点仍是Whats in my bag 2. 两个新单词是rcise book, notebook3. 在教学过程中应注意的是English book之前用an, 表示一本英语书;Chinese book之前用a,表示一本汉语书。二)过程与方法目标1. 本课通过创设真实情景,让学生在新情景中再次体验本课的句型,体会英语句型的实用性。通过实物教学法来复习单词。2. 用实物教学法引入本课新词 rcise book, notebook3 利用教学单词卡片捉迷藏的游戏来带领学生熟读单词,再过渡到rcise book, notebook。4. 用Whats in my bag设计一组对话练习, 上学期学过your, his, her, 可以用来做替换练习。在复习Whats in it此句后练习,学生们较容易接受新知。5. 最后通过实物教学,让学生反复练说本课单词、句型,以达到灵活运用的目的。三)情感态度与价值观1. 培养学生之间友好相处,团结友爱的好品质。2. 通过对话教学活动,培养学生主动与他人交际的意愿;使他们逐渐形成相互了解、团结友爱等积极的情感态度和主动合作的意识,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。二、教学重难点1.Learn the sentences Guess whats in my deskA notebook No. Look Oh, its an rcise book.2.Act out and make up the dialogue.三、学情分析三年级的学生,由于年龄小,又加上生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。三年级是小学生学习英语的基础阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。因此,在设计课堂教学活动时一定要根据学生的情况,采用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学情境。四、教具准备 Tape, pictures, cards, objects and computer.五、教学过程教学环节一、激趣导入Step 1 Warm up.1. Show the things to the classLook at How niceWhats in Let the students make the dialog with the things.2. Review the words and letters.T Look I have so many kinds of books. Show the pictures and cardsT Whats thisS Its a book.T Whats thatS Its a Chinese book/an English book/a test book/a storybook/a math book/a ... 二、讲授新知Step 2 Learn the words.1. Show an rcise book.T Guess whats thisLearn to say rcise, an rcise book Spell and write it.Make up the new sentencesHere is an rcise book.Learn to say notebook Spell and write it.Learn to say a notebookMake up the new sentencesS Look at my... I like it. A notebook for you.2. The teacher takes out a big bag and asks Whats in my bag Can you guessS A Chinese book/An English bookLet the students ask and answer each other.S1 Whats in my bagS2 A Chinese book/An English book3. Use the students things and ask each other.S1 Whats in my bag/pencil-boxS2 Some books/pencils, a crayon/ruler ...4. Listen to the tape of lesson 45. Read after the lesson and guessing the meaning.6. Show the dialogues.Hi, Li Yan. Guess, whats in my deskA notebookNo. LookOh, its an rcise book.三、巩固练习Step 3 Game time1. Have a racePrepare a lot of pictures of “school things”. Ask them to watch and find.2. Play the chain gameS1 Guess whats in my bagS2 A pencil-box. Guess whats in my bagS3 A pencil-box, A Chinese book...3. Lets playS1 Whats in my handS2 A notebookS3 An rcise book.Replace the dialogue.Step 4 Finish the rcise book.1. Introduce the ways to do the rcise book.2. Teach them how to do it one step by one step.3. Listen to the tape and do it4. Check the answer.四、课堂反馈将方框内的英文填写在相应的中文后。look at.. in my classroom in the bagan English book in my new pencil-box Look at my new pen.1、 在书包里 2、 在我的教室里 3. 在我的新铅笔盒里 4. 一本英语书 5. 看 6. 看看我的新钢笔。 五、课堂小结作业布置A级1. Make up a new dialogue in groups.2. Write each letter and word one line.B级Greet to the teachers warmly. 六、板书设计Lesson FourWhats in my deskA notebookAn rcise book.设计意图在编对话的环节中复习旧知,利用上节课学到的句型,以达到巩固新知,引入新课的目的。联系生活实际情况,通过不同种类的书,让学生区分学习,并引入新知。利用游戏,接龙的方式来帮助学生进行单词和句子的综合训练。二次备课课后反思 Lesson 5一、教学目标1. 通过创设真实语境使学生进一步巩固、深化以前所学的书本类、学校物品类词汇及相关句子;能够听、说、认读三会词汇desk, chair;通过围绕“猜猜看那上面有什么”这个话题展开的交流学习活动,使学生理解、会说以下句型Whats on the desk/chair A/An;熟练运用Good morning./Hello.等词进行自然的打招呼和问候; 能够理解并表演本课的对话。2. 通过本课的学习,学生能够用本课所学语言完成各项任务活动,如演唱小歌谣,和机器人一起玩物品搜索的游戏等,培养学生用所学语言进行交流的能力。3. 通过本课学习活动我们和机器人一起做游戏活动的设置,使学生在获得本课语言知识、语言技能、落实语言学习的同时,加深了对学习物品的了解和对学校生活的热爱,运用英语语言进行礼貌问候,实现自然交际的能力。二、教学重点 能够理解并表演本课的对话;能够用Whats on the desk/chair A/An 等句型及所学词汇,完成各项任务活动,如演唱小歌谣,和机器人一起玩物品搜索的游戏等,培养学生用所学语言进行交流的能力。三、教学难点 能够用Whats on the desk/chair A/A