人教PEP版4上:Unit 6 Meet my family C storytime 课件.pptx

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,,,Unit6 Meet mt family,PartC Story time,Warm-up,,状元成才路,状元成才路,Game time,grandfather,grandmother,aunt,father,mother,brother,Its me,Is he/ she a___ Yes/No,___. Whats ___job He/She is a____.,Free talk,Presentation,,How many animals are there,Look and answer,Five.The cat,the dog,the mouse,the rabbit and Zip.,Whose house is it,Look and answer,Zips house.,What do they see on the wall,Look and answer,They see these photos.,What about these photos,Look and answer,These are photos of my family.,Look and answerHow many people are there in Zips family,Look and answer,Look and answerHow many people are there in Zips family,Look and answer,Five people.,Who is heWhat is his job,Look and answer,He is my father.He is a cook.,Who is heWhat is his job,He is my uncle.He is a taxi driver.,Look and answer,Whats he like,He is strong.,Look and answer,Who is he,He is my grandpa.,Look and answer,Is he a teacher,Yes,Look and answer,LookA baseball playerWhos that,Its me.,Look and answer,Is Zip really a baseball player,No,Im a student.,Look and answer,No,she has no job.Maybe she is going to be a baseball player in the future.,Listen and follow,Storytime,Read all together,Storytime,Scene1(情景一),Zip Welcome to my home.,Scene2(情景二),the rabbit Look at these photos. Zip These are photos of my family.,Scene3(情景三),Scene4(情景四),Scene6(情景六),the cat Whats your fathers job Zip Hes a cook. the rat Great.,Zip This is my grandpa. the dog Is he a teacher Zip Yes,Zip This is my uncle. Hes a taxi driver. the rabbit Hes strong.,the rabbit Look A baseball player the dog Whos that Zip Haha Its me,Scene5(情景五),Role play,Storytime,Consolidation and Extension,,Hi. Im Zip. I have a big family. There are_____ people in my family. My grandpa is a___________. My father is a____________. My uncle is a_________.He is ________. I have no job, But I want to be a _______.,Retell the story,Samuel,Try to introduce 介绍家人,,,DIY Mini family book (制作个人家庭小书),How many ... Who What ,,,Write and say,,,,书名,作者名,,(家人照片),This is,is a,,,,my father .,He,doctor .,,(家人照片),This is,is a,my mother .,She,cook .,(家人照片),my uncle .,He,driver .,He is strong .,,(家人照片),,(家人照片),It is short.,It has big ears.,I love my family,,,This is my puppy.,Meet My Family,,,Meet My Family,多完成一页,多得一颗 。,More pages, more stars.,DIY Mini family book (制作个人家庭小书),housewife 主妇,teacher,,Write and say,What do you want to be,I want to be ,a driver a writer a ping-pong player a football player a baseball player a doctor a nurse a teacher a host主持人 a coach教练) a farmer a boss老板 an engineer工程师) a singer(歌星 a dancer (舞蹈家)a policeman警察),,Many jobs,I can say,