人教PEP版4上:Unit 6 Meet my family C storytime 教案.doc

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Unit6 Meet my family Part C Story time 课题 C story time 单元 Unit6Meet my family 学科 English 年级 四上 学习 目标 能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内容,复习巩固有关职业的单词以及句型 Whats your fathers job Hes a cook.等,扩展学习常用语 These are photos of my family. Is he a teacher等;能够在教师的帮助下表演故事。 重点 能够熟练地听、说、读、写本单元对话板块的有关的单词以及问答的句型。 难点 有关的单词以及问答的句型 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm-up Game time Free talk Game time Free talk 通过游戏激 活学生的旧 知 Free talk 拉近师生之 间的距离 Presentation C Story time Look and answer How many animals are there Five.The cat,the dog,the mouse,the rabbit and Zip. Whose house is it Zips house. What do they see on the wall They see these photos. What about these photos Look and answerHow many people are there in Zips family Five people. Who is heWhat is his job He is my father.He is a cook. Look and answer 创设 Zip 和 她的朋友们 谈论关于 Zip 家人的 故事,让学 生仔细认真 观看每一阶 段的视频来 加深印象更 进一步来回 答问题,最 后通过跟 读、齐读等 方式进行了 Who is heWhat is his job He is my uncle.He is a taxi driver. Whats he like He is strong. Who is he He is my grandpa. Is he a teacher Yes LookA baseball playerWhos that Its me. Is Zip really a baseball player No,she has no job.Maybe she is going to be a baseball player in the future. Listen and follow Read all together Role play Listen and follow Read all together Role play 加深印象。 这样的方式 可以让学生 加入其中, 带着问题去 思考,教师 更好引巩固 旧知 学习后进行 整理巩固 Consolidation and extension Retell the story Write and say I can say Retell the story Write and say I can say 学生通过写、 说、等的方 式进行机械 和趣味操练 让学生更好 的巩固。