陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 3《Is it snowing》Part A教案-湖南省优.doc

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教学目标 1 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会正确书写单词rainsnowcloudwindsky.2 学生能初步接触描述天气的句型1There is a wind/cloud. ..2Its snowing/raining.并能用它们来简单描述天气。3 学生能明白天气都是自然现象,是大自然的规律,不要因为天气而影响心情。2学情分析 3重点难点 1 教学重点描述天气的单词和句型。2 教学难点单词rain 和wind的发音;能用句型描述天气。4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Step1Warmingup 1.Lets chant What are you doing2.Have a game Listen and do老师做动作,边做边问What am I doing 学生猜。活动2【讲授】Step2NewPresentation 1. Lead-in承接上一环节,师拿起粉笔在黑板上画一棵树,边画边问What am I doing 学生Drawing a picture. 师Yes, Im drawing a picture. Im going to draw a beautiful picture, follow me, please.2. Learn the new words.首先师在黑板上画一个大圆,边画边说Look This is the sky. Please draw a sky.sky读得又慢又重,并板书教读。接下来师继续边画边说In the sky there is the sun.板书sun.然后走到小朋友的中间,欣赏他们的画,并把他们的画作全班展示LookThis is the sky. In the sky there is the sun.几次反复之后,请小朋友自己起来边展示画作边介绍。同法教授cloud/ There is a cloud.同法教授wind/ There is a wind.师There is a wind Huhu Wind is coming Wind is coming The cloud is moving师同时在黑板上移动白云。 The cloud is moving The cloud is covering the sun. Oh It is raining. It is raining. rain,板书教读。师边画边说In winter, its snowing, snowing, snow,板书教读。Have a game to practice the new words.3. Learn the sentence patterns. 师播放PPT, PPT 显示蓝蓝的天空一轮太阳,Look Whats in the sky 引导学生回答There is the sun. 并告诉学生可以用There is the sun。来描述出太阳的天气。师继续播放幻灯片,显示出太阳的天气,边问Hows the weather Ss回答。板书句型。 同法师带领学生学习There is a cloud/wind.及It is raining/snowing来描述相对应的天气。活动3【活动】Step3Consolidation 1.师出示天气图标小卡片,让学生抢答所代表的天气单词及代表的天气。答对的小朋友就能把卡片贴到黑板相对应的句子旁。2.Do a listening practice.Listen and write T or F.3.DiscussionHows the weather in You can 活动4【作业】Step4Homework 运用今天所学描述天气句型记录未来三天的天气。带小朋友记录今天的天气作示范。DATE日期 WEATHER天气9月20日9月21日9月22日