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浙江省杭州市2021年中考试题英 语第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)1 What will the weather be like this afternoonA. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy2. What does the woman want to do A. Go to the lake. B. Go boating. C. Go to the museum. 3. Where does the conversation most probably take placeA. In a bank. B. In a shop. C. In a restaurant.4. How did the man like the filmA. It was boring. B. It was exciting. C. It was funny. 5. Whats the probable relationship between the speakersA. Waiter and customer. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. 第二节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。6. What is the man going to do on WednesdayA Do some shopping. B. Enjoy new food. C. Go to the Night Safari. 7. When will the man return A. This Friday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Saturday.8. Who will have a birthday partyA. Brian. B. Laura. C. Ella. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。 9. What did the man do to be a firefighterA, He attended an interview. B. He had medical exams. C. He trained very hard. 10. When did the man save the girlA. During an earthquake. B. During a fire. C. During a car accident. 11. How did the man find the girlA. By opening a window. B. By hearing her crying. C. By clearing the smoke. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15四个小题。12. Why does Luke go to the summer schoolA. To study math. B. To learn English. C. To get football training. 13. How does Luke go to the schoolA. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. 14. When does Luke have lunchA. At 1100. B. At 1 45. C. At 12 45. 15. What does Luke do from 2 30 to 330 in the afternoonA. He plays other sports. B. He has a football match. C. He takes a shower. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。AMy name is Ryan and last summer my family and I went to an island for our summer vacation. There were so many fun and interesting things to do on the island, but my favorite was fishing. Every day, my mom, my dad, my younger brother Derek and I went to the beach. We took our little fishing boat with us. Mom didnt like fishing, so she stayed on the beach and read a book. One morning, while we were fishing, we heard a loud noise. “What was that” I asked. “Oh, dont worry, Ryan. It might be a turtle(海龟)swimming under the boat,” said Dad, Derek and I looked around the boat, but we couldnt see anything. Then we heard a different noise, which sounded like an animal. “Look, Dad, there it is” shouted Derek. It was a sea turtle and it couldnt swim well. “Lets go closer and see whats wrong with it,” Dad said. When we got closer, we saw that there was a piece of plastic(塑料)around the turtles legs. “Lets help it,” I said. So Dad jumped into the water, swam to the turtle and brought it back to the boat. “There you go, little turtle; now you can swim to your family, “Dad said as he cut the plastic off. Then Derek and I put it back in the water. “I know We should make a sign about not throwing rubbish into the sea, and put it in the sand on the beach,” I said. “Ill help, too,” said Derek. “Great idea, boys. If we dont all do something to stop sea pollution, these sea animals will die.”1. What did Ryan like doing bestA. Boating.B. Fishing.C. Swimming.D. Reading.2. Who cut the plastic off the turtleA. Ryan.B. Derek.C. Father.D. Mother.3. Why did Ryan want to put up a signA. To welcome people.B. To feed sea animals.C. To use the rubbish again.D. To stop sea pollution.BHave you ever thought how important T-shirts are in your life I dont mean expensive designer T-shirts, After all, just because you spend a lot of money on a shirt doesnt mean that it looks good. Im talking about the T-shirts that say something about you, like where youve been, what you like, or what you think. Those are often the T-shirts that we feel the most comfortable in and that we wear again and again. Im going to tell you about two T-shirts that I really, really love and explain why. Ive been to London twice. The first time I went I saw this shirt in a souvenir(纪念品)shop and my dad bought it for me. I really loved the design and the colors. And it reminds me of something funny that happened. One day we were travelling around the center of London. We almost got lost, but we found our way thanks to the picture on this T-shirtSometimes Ive bought clothes that Ive never worn or that Ive only worn once or twice. But Ive wornand washed othis T-shirt hundreds of times. I love music and I love Adele. I havent seen many of my favorite artists live but I bought this when I went to Adeles concert two years ago. It was a great concert and this is a great souvenir. And white T- shirts go with anything, not just jeansSo, those are just two of my favorite T-shirts that tell a story. What about yoursposted 16th April at 1657 post a commentIve never been to China and I dont know any Chinese, but one of my favorite T-shirts has the Chinese characters on it. One of the reasons that I like it is because I love the bright colors of the characters. And it has sentimental(情感)value. Last year, my brother studied in Beijing and he gave me this when he came home. Nuria Gil, Spain4. What did Saras T-shirt help her family do in LondonA. Find a souvenir shop.B. Know where they were.C. Take a short way.D. Remember who they were.5. Why is the other T-shirt so important to SaraA. It has never been worn before.B. It washes well.C. It was bought at Adeles concert.D. It goes with jeans.6. What does Nuria think of her T-shirtA. It is old.B. It is simple.C. It is expensive.D. It is valuable.7. What is the purpose of this blogA. To produce popular T-shirts.B. To make an ad for T-shirts.C. To introduce favorite T-shirts.D. To offer a design for T-shirts.CFlamenco is very popular in southern Spain. It begins with guitar music and clapping(击掌)and then dancers join the perance. Sometimes a woman dances alone and sometimes she dances with a man. The woman always wears a long, colorful dress. She moves her arms and hands slowly but her feet move in fast difficult steps. The man often wears black. Both dancers click their shoes on the floor when they dance around each other. Cossack dances are from Russia and Ukraine. They are very energetic-some are more like gymnastics than dancing Dancers have to be very fit because they jump very high and kick their legs up and down. They often jump over swords(剑). The movements are similar to traditional Cossack activities, for example, sword fighting and getting on and off horses. Limbo dancing is first from West Africa but today it is an important part of celebrations in the Caribbean. Young people have to dance under a pole(杆). The pole is often on fire and the dancer mustnt touch it After a successful “limbo”, they put the pole lower and do it again. Some dancers can dance under a pole just twenty centimeters off the groundMask(面具)dances are important for the Dogon people in Mali. Each village makes different masks. They are often huge and colorful. There are masks of people, monsters or local animals like crocodiles and monkeys. Mask dancers are always men and they dance to the sound of drums for hours after the death of a person in the village. Today, Dogon villagers also per the dances for tourists.8. What do we know about flamenco dancingA. Dancers begin pering before the guitar music starts.B. A woman dancer often wears a long black dress.C. A woman dancer moves her hands and feet at different speeds.D. Dancers clap loudly while moving around each other.9. What does the underlined word “gymnastics” in Paragraph 2 refer toA. A play.B. A sport.C. A celebration.D. A show.10. Which of the following is limbo dancingA. B. C. D. 11. What is the best title for the textA. Dance Jumps and MovesB. Dances for Different AgesC. Dance Music and ClothingD. Dances from Around the WorldDWhen do children start to talk If you ask a group of parents when this happened, most will say “around twelve months of age”. They will probably even remember what the children said. Many parents keep a diary of their childs “first words”We can never predict what a first word is going to be. Often its the name for “mummy” or “daddy”, but it could just as easily be the word for an animal or a favorite toy. Everything depends on what has most caught the childs attention. But one thing is certain after the first word, others come quickly. By 18 months, most children have learned about 50 words. By two, the total has risen to around 200. Early words are actually one-word sentences. One of the first features(特征)of language a child learns well is to control the rise and fall of the voice to make the difference between stating and questioning. In English, daddy with a high rising tone(声调)means “is that daddy” Daddy with a high falling tone means “Theres daddy”. Of course, only very basic meanings can be communicated using tones alone. So it soon becomes necessary to learn some grammar. In English, grammar means learning to put words in different orders. Children have to see that mummy push is different from push mummy. They start practising such changes at around 18 months. By two, they have learned the basic patterns of word order, and we hear them saying such things as man kick ball and where daddy go.What are the parents doing all his time Theyre acting as teachers and they always have an active role to play in their childs language learning.12. How old are most children when they have learned about 50 wordsA. About 6 months old.B. About one year old.C. About 18 months old.D. About two yearsold.13. Which might an English child say first when learning to talkA. Mummy.B. Push mummy.C. Man kick ball.D. Where daddy go.14. Whats Paragraph 4 mainly aboutA. Word order.B. Word tones.C. The first words.D. Correcting words.15. Who is most responsible for a childs early language learningA. Teachers.B. Parents.C. Friends.D. Grandparents.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从文后选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。How to get that jobInterviews can be quite frightening but our top five tips can help you. Dont worry-relax Remember these things and youll be fine. ____16____Find out exactly where the interview is and how to get there. Remember that buses and trains can often be late so allow plenty of time. Its better to be early than late. ____17____Think about what the interviewer will ask you. He or she will probably ask about your qualifications(资格)and your experience but theyll also ask you why you want the job as well. Think of some possible questions and prepare your answers before you go. ____18____If you wear something new, it will make you feel uncomfortable. Its best to wear something smart but something you like and feel happy in. ____19____In the interview, dont sit looking at your feet. Make sure you sit up and look the interviewer in the eye. This makes you look honest and more confident.____20____Its a good idea to ask questions at the interview. Ask about the company or the job. Prepare some questions before the interview. It makes you look more interested if you do this.A. Ask a questionB. Be relaxed.C. Wear comfortable clothes.D. Be on timeE. Make eye contact(眼神交流)F. Be prepared第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 25分)第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分l5分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Something that I learnt from both my parents was the importance of having respect(尊重)for other people. I remember one day when we were travelling on a bus and _____21_____ sat down while other people were standing. My mother shouted at me “ _____22_____ immediately You have young legs and you dont need to sit down.” At the time I felt embarrassed about being told of _____23_____, but now I understand. I think children nowadays have _____24_____ that respect and it really makes me angry if I see children sitting down while _____25_____ people are standing. One area in which we had a lot of rules was table _____26_____. For example, we werent allowed to start our meal _____27_____ the oldest person had started. We had to say “thank you” when our food was _____28_____, and eat everything on our plates before we could _____29_____ the table. We couldnt make any noise when eating. Worse than that, we were only _____30_____ to have sweets at the weekend, as a special _____31_____ if we had been good. Although my upbringing(养育)was perhaps a bit _____32_____ compared with modern children, Im very thankful to my parents for giving me a clear _____33_____ in life. Even though I was sometimes _____34_____, I think it has made me a better person. In my view, children need clear rules, but more than that they need to learn how to get on with _____35_____ people and realize they are not the center of the world.21. A. theyB. youC. ID. she22. A. Get upB. Sit upC. Give upD. Look up23. A. in orderB. in publicC. in surpriseD. in person24. A. wonB. shownC. wastedD. lost25. A. olderB. richerC. tallerD. heavier26. A. designsB. mannersC. materialsD. sizes27. A. ifB. becauseC. untilD. though28 A. cookedB. eatenC. preparedD. served29. A. moveB. bookC. leaveD. lay30. A. allowedB. forcedC. warnedD. advised31. A. lessonB. treatC. choiceD. need32. A. simpleB. interestingC. normalD. strict33. A. directionB. answerC. introductionD. plan34. A. protectedB. encouragedC. fooledD. punished35. A. someB. otherC. fewD. several第卷第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第二节(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。All around the world, families celebrate special days together. Traditions for these days _____36_____ be very different. Some of them may surprise you. Families in most countries have a special day to celebrate mothers. In Serbia, this day is on _____37_____ second Sunday before Christmas. On that day, children sneak(溜)into their _____38_____(mother)bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon(丝带)so that she cant get out of bed. Then they shout, “Mothers Day, Mothers Day What will you pay _____39_____get away” Then the mother gives _____40_____ they small treats and presents as payment so that the kids “free” her. In China, they say that _____41_____ baby are one year old when they are born. After that, all children celebrate their birthday on New Years Day because thats when they grow a year _____42_____ old. Actual birthdays are _____43_____ usual celebrated