译林版七年级下册英语Unit7 task教案(华老师江苏市优).doc

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Unit7 AbilitiesTaskTeaching objectivesBy the end of the class, students are expected to1. catch the key points of a recommendation letter. 2. make a writing plan about abilities and personality.3. practise writing a recommendation letter.Important points and difficult points1.To make a writing plan about abilities and personality.2.To practice writing a recommendation letter.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-inShow Ss some photos about their perance in the art festival held last week.Ask Ss “What can they do” Ss They can play the guitar well./They can dance beautifully./ She is good at playing the piano.T Wow, I think my students are really good, you have different abilities and I saw you practice hard and help each other during the preparation period, you have a lot of good personality. Because of your abilities and personality, I should give you a thumbs-up.(设计意图通过呈现本班学生在学校艺术节表演的照片,一是为了拉近师生距离,让学生以喜悦的心情进入英语课堂,促使他们积极主动的进入学习状态,使课堂更具活力。二是为了引出本节课的两个要点Abilities和personality。本节课的主线清晰的呈现了出来。为后面的教学做铺垫,这种方式承上启下,便于学生接受新的环节。)Step 2 RevisionT Today, Mr Wu also gives Daniel a thumbs-up. Lets see what abilities and personality Daniel has.T Daniel and his classmates are members of the Helping Hands Club. They often do many good things for others.Show Ss some pictures about Daniel and his classmates. Ask Ss “What do they do”Ss They often collecting things for Project Hope./ They visit an old peoples home./ They clean up the park./ He helps an old man cross the road./ He gives his seat to a woman on the bus.T Daniel and his classmates are very helpful.(设计意图既复习本单元所学的重要句型也为之后的输出储备更多的语言材料。)Step 3 PresentationT Today we will learn Daniels abilities and personality according to Mr. Wus recommendation letter.1Match ideas with each paragraphShow Ss the recommendation letter. Ask Ss to count how many paragraphs the recommendation letter has.Play the tape and ask students to listen and read silently and try to find the main idea of each paragraph.(设计意图让学生通过听和默读来完成文章段落大意的归纳,以此来让学生对文章有一个整体的把握。)2 Read the first sentence of each paragraph and answer the questionsQ1 What does Mr. Wu want to recommend Daniel forQ2 What do you think of DanielQ3 Who thinks that Daniel should get the award(设计意图进一步练习学生通过阅读段落主题句来捕捉细节的能力。)3 The structure of the articlePara 1 what the letter is about Para 2 ability examplePara 3 personality1examplePara 4 personality2examplePara 5 state again who to recommendSum up A recommendation is made up of three parts---Introduction, Main body and Conclusion.4 Learn the three parts one by oneIntroduction Para 1Explain how to write the beginning of a recommendation letter and emphasize some important phrases.Main body Para 2-4Emphasize some important phrases and give Ss some writing skills---write some examples to make the writing persuasive./ use some adverbs to make the writing vivid./ add some words to emphasis.Fill in the blanks with words missing according to Para 2.Do True or False according to Para 3.Ask and answer according to Para 4.Conclusion Para 5Emphasize some important phrases and explain how to write the ending of a recommendation letter.(设计意图这部分为本课重点教学内容。通过归纳推荐信的结构,然后解构推荐信,从引言、主体和结论这三个部分分块讲解文章内容并结合内容给出相应的写作技巧, 在讲解每块内容时配以不同形式的练习加深学生对文本材料的理解和运用。这种任务型教学模式可以有效地培养、提高学生的语言运用能力,增强综合素质。)Step 4 Sum upGive Ss some important phrases, sentences and specific examples to help Ss master how to write a recommendation letter.(设计意图运用思维导图帮助学生进一步梳理推荐信的脉络,并通过图片提示的形式帮助学生复习有关Abilities和personality所学过的句型和事例,这不仅让学生复习了本单元所学,而且给之后的输出列出了提纲,让学生写推荐信时有话可说,也让他们的呈现更具个人特色。)Step 5 Practice Show Ss different awards in the class and ask them to choose a classmate to recommend for an award. Practise writing a recommendation letter. Ask two Ss to share their letters with others.(设计意图结合班级实际布置写推荐信的任务,提供英语交际的真实情境,让学生在这种环境中进行思考和输出。)Step 5 Homework 1.Check your letters with your deskmate.Pay attention to the following points Structure/ Main points/ Grammar/ Spelling.2. E-mail me at . I will choose the best writer in our class.(设计意图本步骤是强化和巩固本课所学内容的重要环节,激励学生把英语的使用延伸到课外,让学生最大限度和最大范围地把英语融入到实际生活中,让英语的运用自然而然的成为学生每日的一种习惯,从而实现语言学习和语言运用的紧密结合。)