教科版五年级下册英语Module 6 Unit 11《Can you tell me the way》教案.docx

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小学英语五年级下册Unit 11 Can you tell me the way教学设计整体设计Unit 11 Can you tell me the way第一课时课型新授整体感知课课题名称Unit 11 Can you tell me the way Finding the way语用任务能理解并口头运用核心句型 Can you tell me the way to Go straight ahead. Turn left/right at the crossingIts on the left/right.进行交流。语言知识与技能(1) 能听、说、读核心词汇way/straight/ahead/left/right/crossing(2) 能口头运用核心句型 Can you tell me the way to Go straight ahead. Turn left/right at the crossingIts on the left/right.进行交流。(3)能理解地图路线,并进行口头的语用体验。思维品质通过看视频,做动作游戏和阅读文本,感知认识问路。文化品格能乐于助人,做个热心的小主人。学习能力(1)视、听、说相结合, 在交流中注意倾听、积极思考。(2)能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。教与学策略利用各种地图,文本,通过小组合作,理解地图路线,并熟练用句型进行对话。课题Unit 11 Can you tell me the way课时第一课时课型单元整体感知教材分析五年级下册Module 6 的第1课时是对整个模块的铺垫,本课将以Finding the way 为主题,具体内容包括学习62-63页场所单词,64页方位介词,结合地图以及文本 “寻宝”为学生准备有条理、有梯度、有思维高度的语境基础,让学生能在地图中运用所学的核心词汇和句型,编写的文本让学生不停地感知理解方位,路线,引领学生学会分辨方位,路线,为帮助学生进一步内化核心词汇和句型,把课堂和生活结合起来,深挖英语的课堂的德育内涵,借助图片和视频创设氛围,借助有趣的文本故事,借助有趣的寻宝游戏,让学生理解和意识到如何认路的重要性,培养学生的学习能力和语言综合运用能力。激发他们都要养成好的方向感,达到知行合一的育人效果,学情分析五年级的学生年龄在十一岁左右,根据认知发展阶段理论,他们的思维方式以具体形象为主,逐渐向抽象的思维能力转变,他们富有好奇心,喜欢新奇有趣的事物,喜欢挑战,因此本课以寻宝为线索贯穿整节课,利用海盗船长定下的三个任务,创设了地图,层层递进,提供给学生们进行具体的语用体验。经过近五年的英语学习,他们积累了一定的英语词汇,打下了一定的语言基础,也形成了自己的学习策略,对问题能有自己独特的见解。在学习本模块之前,他们也掌握了场所单词,学习了一些动词短语。只要把这些知识进行正迁移,将对本模块的学习有帮助。教学重点及难点教学重点掌握句型Can you tell me the way to Go straight ahead. Turn left/right at the crossingIts on the left/right.教学难点如何在地图上准确地找出路线,教学内容1.掌握句型Can you tell me the way to Go straight ahead. Turn left/right at the crossingIts on the left/right.2.如何在地图上准确地找出路线,教学资源文本1 The map文本2. Start at the north of the island . Go straight ahead .Turn right at the second crossing. Then go straight ahead, you will find some trees.Past the trees, turn left at the fourth crossing. Its on your right. Where is it 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre - task1. See a video and show the map.2. Review the places words.1.Try to remember the names of the places and write down the places of the map.2. Say out the names of the places.1. 创设情境,引出本课时的主题。2. 以认识广州视频为依据,让学生认知复习场所单词.创设情境,海盗船长把财宝藏在此地图的某个位置,引出寻宝的三个任务。激发学生的好奇心,引导他们自主学习的能力。While-task1. Task 1 Review the Prep.海盗船长的任务一Know the directions.in front of, besidebehind, next to, oppositeDance with the chick, 引入新介词on the left/right2. Task 2 Find out what place is it海盗船长的任务二根据路线找出地方。Its not far away from Bens home. Go straight ahead. Its on the left. 3.Task 3 Findout what place is it海盗船长的任务三根据路线找出地方。Its a little bit far away from Bens home. Go straight ahead, turn right at the second crossing. Its on the right. 4. Group works Choose one place you want to go then ask and answer.5. Show and check.1.Ask and answer Where is the parkDance with the chick and know the Prep.2.Draw the way on the map, find out what place it is .Its the school. Ask and answer Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the school, please Go straight ahead. Its on the left. 3.Draw the way on the map, find out what place it is .Its the park.Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the park, pleaseGo straight ahead, turn right at the second crossing. Its on the right. 4.Choose one place on the map in groups, Ask and answer use the sentences we learnt. 5.Show time. First with the teacher, then with your partners. Check.1. 用地图,以park为基准,复习学习过的介词。进一步跟着小鸡跳舞引入新的方位介词left/right2.先利用路线找出地方,逆向思维,让学生感知如何表达指路。再进一步操练句型Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the school, please Go straight ahead. Its on the left. 3.增加难度与句型,让学生进一步感知如何表达指路,操练的句型在原本的基础上增加turn right/left at the Crossing.4.在小组中进一步熟悉操练问路指路句型。5. 先师生示范,再让学生表演,同时检查他们对句型的掌握情况,对一些不足的或者错误的地方提出改正。Post-task已完成海盗船长的三个任务,获得藏宝图。1. Listen and try to find the way.2. Read the passage and try to find the Treasure.3. Fill in the blanks1.Listen for the first time, try to find the treasure.2. Read the passage and then find out the treasure.3. Read the passage again then fill in the blanks.1.先把文本转为听力,让学生找出路线。2. 阅读文本,再一次确认财宝的位置。3. 再读文本,巩固路线的表述,填空。板书设计 Unit 11 Can you tell me the wayPeriod 1 Finding the way Go straight ahead. Its on the left/right. Turn left/right at the _____ crossing.Excuse me Can you tell me the way to the Of course Go straight ahead. Turn left/right at the ____ crossing. Its on the left/right.作业设计必做1. listen and read Unit 11.2. Write the new words on the map .选做 Design a new map.