苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《A healthy diet》第3课时公开课课件(江苏虞老师市级优课).ppt

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《A healthy diet》第3课时公开课课件(江苏虞老师市级优课).ppt_第1页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《A healthy diet》第3课时公开课课件(江苏虞老师市级优课).ppt_第2页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《A healthy diet》第3课时公开课课件(江苏虞老师市级优课).ppt_第3页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《A healthy diet》第3课时公开课课件(江苏虞老师市级优课).ppt_第4页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《A healthy diet》第3课时公开课课件(江苏虞老师市级优课).ppt_第5页
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,,,,,,Unit 3 A healthy diet,(Sound time,Culture time Cartoon time),a little,a lot of,a few,some,some,a few,Food pyramid,a little,much,many,What do you eat for lunch and dinner,What do you eat for breakfast,,Diet saying 饮食谚语,Eat breakfast like a ______, lunch like a _________. dinner like a ________.,prince 王子,pauper 穷人,king 国王,早餐吃得好。,晚餐吃得少。,午餐吃得饱。,,porridge 粥,steamed buns 馒头,Culture time,Chinese,breakfast,,What else do Chinese people eat for breakfast,noodles,steamed roll,dumplings,pickles,soymilk,deep-fried dough,steamed buns,cereal 谷类,Western people often have cereal,bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast.,sausage 香肠,Culture time,,Different countries, different breakfast.,English people often have baked potatoes for breakfast. 英国人早餐吃烤土豆。,Mexican people often have tacos for breakfast. 墨西哥人早餐吃墨西哥玉米卷 。,Russian people often have black bread for breakfast. 俄罗斯人早餐吃黑面包。,,Korean people often have rice for breakfast. 韩国人早餐吃米饭。,Italian people often have pizzas for breakfast. 意大利人早餐吃披萨。,Sound time,Sound time,Who,Mrs Li,What,How,Sound time,What does she shout,,,Mrs Li shouts,Get out Get out,Why does she shout that,Theres a little mouse in her house.,Get out Get out,,Sound time,Mrs Li shouts, Get out Get out,Theres a little mouse In her house.,Sound time,Mrs Li shouts, Get out Get out,Theres a little mouse In her house.,ou,ou,ou,ou,ou,ou /au/,Sound time,/au/,ou,Can you say any other words like this,about mouth found ...,Sound time,/au/,ou,Can you read these new words,blouse(女式衬衫) south (南方、南边) doubt (怀疑) mountain(大山),Can you make any sentences with these words,We talk her .,They some nice in the .,我们大声谈论她的衬衣。,他们在南方找到了几座美丽的山峰。,about,blouse,loudly,found,mountains,south,,,/a /,/ /,blouse,cloud,young,cousin,loudly,sound,country,touch,Read and group,,/ /,young,cousin,country,touch,,Mrs Li doesnt like the mouse.,Whos his best friend in the book,But we have a mouse friend, whos he,Is Sam free(有空) now,,,Cartoon time,Where are Sam and his mum,,Watch and answer.,At home,In the supermarket,Near the river,Why do they want to go to the supermarket,,Cartoon time,,,Cartoon time,Where are Sam and his mum,At home,In the supermarket,Near the river,,Cartoon time,What do they buy there,cola,,Cartoon time,How much do they buy,cola,Cartoon time,,Cartoon time,How much do they buy,cola,,a small bottle,a little,Cartoon time,deep,,Cartoon time,How much do they buy,cola,,a small bottle,a little,a lot of,,a big bag of rice,Cartoon time,,Cartoon time,How much do they buy,cola,,a small bottle,a little,a lot of,,a big bag of rice,a big fish,,,Cartoon time,Where are Sam and his mum,At home,In the supermarket,Near the river,Whats wrong with the fish,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,What do you think of the diet of Sams family Why do you think so你为什么这样认为,,Add the title(添加标题),,Going shopping A lost fish Sam and Sam s Mum,,,Cartoon time,Oh no,,Cartoon time,Add the end创编结尾,Homework,1. Try to recite Cartoon time, and act the story with your partners in a new way. 2. Do some rcise.,Differences between Chinese and western food culture,About breakfast,Chinese people often have some porridge 粥 and steamed buns 包子 for breakfast.,Western people often have cereal 谷物 , bread, eggs and sausages 香肠 for breakfast.,西方饮食文化,,Differences between Chinese and western food culture,Chinese people like drinking tea, and western people like drinking coffee.,In China, people eat with chopsticks. In the West, people eat with a knife and fork.,Culture time,,