苏教译林版六下英语Unit 2《Good habits》第4课时公开课课件(江苏赵老师部级优课).pptx

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 2《Good habits》第4课时公开课课件(江苏赵老师部级优课).pptx_第1页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 2《Good habits》第4课时公开课课件(江苏赵老师部级优课).pptx_第2页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 2《Good habits》第4课时公开课课件(江苏赵老师部级优课).pptx_第3页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 2《Good habits》第4课时公开课课件(江苏赵老师部级优课).pptx_第4页
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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 2《Good habits》第4课时公开课课件(江苏赵老师部级优课).pptx_第5页
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,Good habits写话,译林版牛津小学英语 六年级下册,,,,,Top good,Good habit,Super good,演讲(Speech)竞选,Carol赵玲莉2017/3/24153119 Carol赵玲莉2017/3/24153120 (),Yes, I do.,Yes, sometimes.,No, never.,Do a survey,Do you always,,(两人问答),What other good habits do you have 你还有其他哪些好习惯,I usually/always/often,Know more habits(小组连锁问答),,,Pre-class task sheets,,,,Praise your partner(同桌问答,赞扬同伴),What are your good habits,You have a good learning habit.,You do well at school.,You have a regular(规律) life.,You are clean and tidy.,You have a good eating habit.,You listen to your teachers. ,,,Tip归类关联的习惯,使表达具有逻辑性。,,,a regular life,Good habit Star,Super good,Top good,Good habit,Good habit,,,,,Link the habits(帮助同伴整合习惯),I always help my parents,I usually sweep the floor at school.,and,.,I also sweep the floor at school.,I always help my parents,Tip使用连接词,如and, but, also,too,表达更流畅。,I eat a lot of rice,little fruit every day.,but,every day.,I eat,.,,I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. I always wash my hands before eating. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. I also sweep the floor at school.,Super good habit Star,Super good,Top good,Super good,I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. I always wash my hands before eating. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. I also sweep the floor at school.,,They work hard every day.,Because it makes me strong.,可用不同句型,使表述更有力。 It makes It keeps It helps me I want to,Good or badWhy三人一组练习,Lets think,Which one is betterWhy 哪一篇更好为什么,I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. It makes me strong and healthy. I always wash my hands before eating. It is important to keep clean. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. They work so hard every day. I also sweep the floor at school. I am a good student.,Top good habit Star,Top good,Beginning(开头)Hello, Im I,演讲即将开始,准备好你的演讲稿吧,Ending(结尾)I think I can be Top good habit Star. Do you think so,I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. It makes me strong and healthy. I always wash my hands before eating. It is important to keep clean. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. I also sweep the floor at school. I am a good student.,1.运用写作要点,个人创作Good habits写话,限时5分钟。,协作创作,Beginning(开头)Hello, Im I,Ending(结尾)I think I can be Top good habit Star. Do you think so,I never waste time. I often finish my homework on time. And I never go to bed late at night. I do sports and drink a lot of water every day. It makes me strong and healthy. I always wash my hands before eating. It is important to keep clean. I have my meals on time, too. I always help my parents. I also sweep the floor at school. I am a good student.,2.三人一组修改,每人改两篇。,3. 朗读练习,准备演讲。,4. 组内三人依次演讲,其他三人投票。,小提示上台展示仪态大方,声音响亮哦。,展示竞选,我被评为 Good habit Star Super good habit Star Top good habit Star,Words for you,God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者,,,