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Unit 1 Feeling Sick教案一、教学目标1. 知识与技能目标(1)学生能够听、说、读、写wrong, headache, feel, ill, need等单词。(2)学生能理解课文大意,能在医院就医时或其他环境下简单表述自己不适的状况;能表述各种病症的名称;能询问朋友哪里不适并能给出建议。【来源21世纪教育网】(3)学生能够正确朗读课文,表演对话。2. 过程与方法目标(1)通过关注语音操练单词,在语境中理解运用单词。(2)通过老师讲解、举例及操练理解课文大意。(3)通过跟读录音pair work 使学生能够正确朗读课文,表演对话。3. 情感态度价值观结合课文内容培养学生正确表达自己的病症并能及时发现家人和朋友的疾病。二、教学重点1. 能听、说、读、写wrong, headache, feel, ill, need等单词并能在合适语境中运用这些单词。2. 学生能流利地朗读课文。 3. 认读 stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, fever 三、教学难点1. 正确使用Whats wrong with you I hurt... I have a/an ...21世纪教育网版权所有2. should的正确用法。3. wrong, headache, stomachache等单词的读音及用法。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up 活动1sing a song head, shoulder, knees and toes活动目标使学生动起来,通过唱这首身体部位的歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣。T Lets sing s song. Now, Stand up. Lets sing and act.21世纪*教育网Step 2 Presentation and Practice(1)学习新课文学习目标在语言情景中学习课文,带着问题听录音,理解课文内容。老师让学生观察课文主题图让学生自己观察图片先问问题(图片中的人物是谁,他们在哪里)让学生猜测,之后提出两个重要的问题让学生带着问题听录音,先让学生把老师提出的问题读一遍,知道问的是什么,培养学生抓关键词的能力。每次带着一个问题听一遍,学生共听2遍,听完后回答相应问题。21教育网a How does Gogos friends ask him听第一遍学生回答后帮助学生认读单词wrong 并提出本课主题Whats wrong with youb Whats wrong with Gogo听第二遍学生回答后,老师根据所给foot图片和肢体语言,解释hurt, foot(2)表演对话,复述课文活动目标通过Pair work的形式,让学生掌握所学课文,灵活运用课文知识,复述课文,让学生进一步巩固所学。21cnjycomStep 3 Presentation活动1学习和headache相关的词汇(toothache, stomachache, backache, earache这些病症图片选自有本班学生表演的照片)。并做这些单词的猜词游戏。www.21-cn-活动目标通过猜词游戏,迅速掌握本课单词和重点语句。讲解完这些疾病的单词后,老师引导学生做猜词游戏,老师请一位同学出来,老师提供一个单词让该学生表演病情,老师问Whats wrong with him其他同学用英文说出病情He has a headache。21cnjy活动2灵活运用所学创编在不同语境下的新对话。活动目标通过真实的语境,使学生灵活地运用本课单词和语句。老师创设语境,如在医院,在家里,在公共场所,在医生和病人之间,在同学之间,在老师和同学之间,在亲人之间,在陌生人之间。老师可先举个例子,其他同学仿照这个例子根据老师的提示创编新对话。老师可出示一些人物和场景的图片,图片来自互联网。Step 4 Homework1. 着创编一个和本课相关的新的对话。2. 想有什么办法可以让自己保持健康,关心自己,关爱他人。Unit 2 Looking for a Hospital教案一、教学内容Words and expressions turn left, turn right, go straight, across from, street, corner, traffic light, bus 二、教学目标1. Knowledge Aims 能够听、说、认读本课时的八个单词或词组。2. Abilities Aims 能够描述要走的路程的方向。3. Emotion Aims 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生积极参与语言交际活动;与现实生活相结合,培养学生对方向辨别能力,使学生树立遵守交通规则的意识。三、教学重点掌握有交通方向的六个单词或词组。四、教学难点表示方向的名词的读法与使用。Turn left和turn right容易混淆,对corner的概念较含糊。五、教学过程Step 1 设置悬念,引出新知识(1)呈现课前准备好的平面地图,师生之间进行对话T What can you see S I can see a map. T Right If you stand here手指住地图上的一个地方, now you want to go to station three. How can you go And how can you say in English21世纪教育网版权所有S (2)导出本节课的课题。Unit 2 Looking for a HospitalStep 2 学习新知识(1)图片增趣,呈现新知(2)齐学新知,循序渐进a 单词词组学习turn left, turn right, go straight, across from, street, corner, traffic light, bus stop先学相似的两个单词turn left, turn right, 便于对比教学。以相同的方法教授其余的单词,边学边板书。21教育网b 打乱图片位置,让同学进行连线,找出相对应的单词与图片。c 句型学习Where is theHow can I go to there回到开课时设下的疑问,用刚学的单词或词组,简单的表达一下。Step 3 操练新知(1)Listen and do.叫学生们站起来,听一个同学说,另一个同学将听到的做出来。(至少叫三组学生表演)(2)Listen and draw.叫四个或三个学生上黑板边听边画,其他学生在下面用纸画。Step 4 布置作业制作一幅平面地图,并标明起点和终点(起点到终点最少要有三个转折);然后用英语向父母表达其走法;其次,教师鼓励学生将设计好的平面地图于下节课带回学校用英语向同学作介绍;最后让学生在画的旁边用英语写上起点到终点的走法,并收集学生作品,钉成一本地图杂志,在班上展览。21cnjycomUnit 3 Staying Healthy教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标 (1)能听说读单词all, cheese, only, jelly, junk和短语not really and from now on .(2)认识greens, 知道哪些是健康是食品和不健康食品。(3)在模拟情景中,学习劝导用语be good for 和be bad for 等句式进行交际。2. 技能目标学生能听懂会说以下句子You should eat more They are good for Too much isnt good for you .Eat plenty of and youll be healthy .3. 情感目标(1)通过学习,学生们可以了解到“健康与不健康”的生活习惯对自己健康影响。(2)通过学习培养学生小组合作团结合作的精神。二、 教学重点1. 学生能够以正确的语音、语调朗读对话。2. 理解对话内容复述故事。3. 学习对话中出现的新词和句型。三、教学难点1. 理解对话内容基础上复述故事。2. 能在真实情景中运用语言。四、教学准备简单的PPT课件,单词卡。五、 教学过程1. Warming up(1)Sing a song.(2)Greetings and free talk.2. Presentation(1)通过与学生的对话引出句型You should 并板书出来。(2)用PPT出示一些食物,老师说Wow There are a lot of food here. Is all food good for us 教师引导学生回答Not really.从中引出单词和短语all 和not really然后板书。(3)教师出示cheese和jelly 的图片分别提问Whats this 从而引出单词cheese和jelly 然后板书。21世纪教育网版权所有(4)教师指着PPT里的食物提问Whats your favorite food 从情景对话中引出下面的句型并板书,然后进行句型操练。21教育网You should eat more They are good for Too much isnt good for you .Eat plenty of and youll be healthy .(5)Teach the conversationLead in Whats Gogos favorite food Is he healthy Read the conversation in your groups .a 小组朗读conversation并找出故事里的生词。b 帮助学生解决生词。c 让学生根据老师提出的问题看听课文。A What is Gogo eating B Are they good for Gogo CWhat are “Greens”D Does Gogo like vegetables E What should Gogo eat from now on d 检查学生的预习情况。e Read the conversation together.3. Homework 做一份调查调查身边的朋友或家人的饮食习惯并记录下来。Unit 4 Keep Clean教案教学目标1. 掌握四会单词wet,cool,warm,dry,clean,dirty提高发音的正确性。2. 理解Whats the weather like 句型,学会询问并用Its..回答,学习应用日常用语。3. 掌握is和are的过去时was和were。教学重点正确听说读写单词。一般过去时。教学难点重点强化对知识掌握的准确性,多听多练。教学过程Step1 Warm-up师生之间热情的问好。Step2 Lead-in 让学生观看一个短片,看片中出示了几种天气,其中出现了哪几种我们曾经学过的天气。然后引出本节课的学习内容。21世纪教育网版权所有Step3 Teaching 教师通过多媒体课件分别教授新单词。1、 可采用领读,个别读,分男女生读,小组读等等。2、 教师在黑板上写单词,可让学生在练习本上进行练习,组长检查。3、 进行一个配合着动感音乐的单词练习,用以调动学生的热情进而达到练习目的。教师通过所学单词引导学生自主说出询问和回答关于天气的句子。通过like的另外一种意思引导学生说出“Whats the weather like”这个问句,让学生反复练习。进行师生问答和生生问答。使学生熟练掌握与理解“Whats the weather like”这个问句及其回答。同时在回答中复习wet,dry,warm,cool等本科新词。游戏两人一组,一个表演动作并用“Whats the weather like ”提问,另一个用“Is it.”来猜他表演的是哪种天气。21教育网4、 在此基础上,提出本单元重要表达What is/waslike 向学生讲解句意。并规范回答方式。5、 让学生对“Whats the weather like”中的the weather进行名词替换。用来提问别的情况或者物品。比如可以说“Whats your bedroom like today Whats his schoolbag like What is her hair like”等等。6、 教is的过去形式was和are的过去形式were。What was the weather like yesterdayS It was cool yesterday.T Where were you yesterdayS I was in Hong Kong yesterday.T What is Hong Kong likeS Its clean and beautiful.让学生小组内对话,运用本课所学知识,自己创作对话。S1 What was the weather like yesterdayS2 It was warm. Where were you yesterdayS1 I was in Renmin Park yesterday.S2 What were you doing there this time yesterday21cnjycomS1 I was flying a kite this time yesterday..进行课文的初步学习。1、 PPT播放第一遍课文,让学生们用简洁的汉语说说发生了什么事。2、 逐句跟读课文。Step4 Summary小组内讨论我们今天学习了什么内容,汇报。家庭作业在家长的帮助下制作一张各城市天气调查表。Unit 5 A Circus in the Park教案教学目标Able to understand and read the new words tasty, bad, good, snowy, spicy, week, yuckyAble to understand and read the text.Use “Where were you”, “I was..” to require what people did in past time.21教育网教学重点及难点重点Grasp new words.难点Act out the dialogue.教学方法解释法,对话法教学准备A calendar, some word cards, tape, etc. 教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings2. Sing English songsStep 2 Presentation and drill1. Show a calendar. T What day is it today / How many days are there in a week What are they21世纪教育网版权所有 S . T The days from Monday to Friday are weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekends. We call the seven days week. Today is . and yesterday was21cnjycom Point to the calendar to help students to understand what new words mean, write and teach.2. Put pictures of places under the days. T Today is. and Im at school. Yesterday was and I was at the library/ sick and in the hospital/ ..Where were S Encourage students to answer with what they know.3. Listen to Story Part, understand the main idea.4. Listen to the tape and repeat.5. Practice the dialogue.6. Listen to the tape and finish Vocabulary and Target part. Then check the answers.www.21-cn-7. Turn to Reading and writing and the past tense, let Ss be familiar with Past Tense.21cnjy8. Have a try. Let Ss try tell the class a story happened in the past or his/her own experience. Pay attention to the tense of talking.21世纪*教育网Step 3 Practice Game---Chain gameThe first student answers the teachers question “where were you yesterday”, then ask the second student the same question. The other students do the same as its their turn.【来源21世纪教育网】Set a situation for the class, for example, we are in a restaurant, and let them make judgments of the dishes, use the adjectives like yucky, good, bad, tasty, etc. www-2-1-cnjy-comStep 4 Consolidation1. Make a small survey.2. Give assessment.家庭作业复习笔记,完成课后练习。Unit 6 Planting Trees教案一、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标1掌握单词 Tree, last, year, walk能掌握以下句型Where did you go last weekendI went to...How was your weekend Pretty good, thanks. I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. How interesting 2 能了解以下语法Learn to talk about recent past events. 能正确叙述过去发生的事情。2. 情感态度价值观目标帮助学生树立合作学习观点。讲述植树节,树立学生享受生活,热爱美好的大自然情感。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点1 Key vocabulary.2 Talk about recent past events2. 教学难点1 Talk about recent past events2 Practice students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.三、教学过程Warming-up and revision Greetings Ask Ss a question in Chinese in English What did you do yesterday Make them answer the question. Then ask if they know the English expression of this sentence. If they know, make them answer it in English. If they forget the knowledge of Past Tense weve learnt last unit, help them review the knowledge. Show them several pictures of actions.Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to tell what they see. Name each activity and ask students to repeat did my homework, went to the cinema, went boating, camped by the lake, went to the beach, played badminton.Point out the numbered list of activities. Say each one again and ask students to repeat.Then ask students to match each activity with one of the pictures. Say, write the letter of each activity next to the words. Point out the sample answer.Check the answers. This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.ListeningPoint to the activities in the picture in Page 67. Ask students to tell what the person did in each picture. For example, She planted a tree, or he washed the dishes. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording a second time. This time say. Tell the class what the person did.Correct the answers.Pair workThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Point to the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.Now work with a partner. Student A, Student B, ask questions about what each other did on different days and times over the weekend.Students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.Check the answers. Role-play the conversation.1. Ask Ss to look at conversation on Page 70. Then Ss read the dialogue by themselves and find the answer to these questions What did Li Fang do last night What happened yesterday2. Ss work in pairs and role-play the conversations. 3. Have several pairs per their conversations for the rest of the class.Game Play a model round of the game. Draw simple pictures of two things you did over the weekend. For example, a picture of a TV, or a picture of a tennis racket. Point to the picture of the TV and ask a student to make a sentence about what you did you watched TV. Do the same with the picture of the tennis racket and another student you played tennis. Write the two sentences on the board and underline the “-ed” in watched and played and remind students to use the past tense.Now ask students to practice the activity in groups of four. Each student draws two things she or he might have done over the weekend on a piece of paper. The students then take turns to make sentences about each others pictures in past tense. Walk around the class offering assistance where necessary.Ask a student to draw two pictures about his or her last weekend on the blackboard. Class members guess the correct past tense sentences. Then write “wh-” words on the board who, what, where, when, why, how and encourage students to ask follow-up questions, for example. “Who did you play tennis with”家庭作业1. Copy new words twice.2. Write about what you did last weekend.